I see in the chat logs that Slinky (Crazy) kicked you for spawnkilling.

First thing you say when you get back in:
12-6-2014 2:06:05: [TBDK]S.avant: ?nice admin abuse bro

Now that is a very good way to tick off people.
I would be irritated myself to be honest.

You dont even ask why you were kicked but jump back in and accuse him of admin abuse............

On top of that I see the following:
12-6-2014 1:50:45: Sniper5linky: TBDK u here too tick me off?

This tells me you already had run-ins with him before that time.
Why else would he make that remark?

You coming back in with the abuse accusation seems to be the last drop he needed to give you the 1 hour ban.

Looked a few days back in the chatlog for your chats and also see you use quite a bit of NON-ENGLISH in chat especially when no admions/mods are on.
We have a very low threshold on kicking for that.
It is clear in the rules on the forum, as well as in the server by using /rules, that only english is to be used.

All I can say: follow the rules, dont argue with mod/admin and ptfo.

Do all that and there is no reason to get kicked for.

Should you want to discuss this further I suggest you take it up with Slinky personally on TS.