Can sympathise with Strech, But as a returning admin, テつ*and although Im fair and sometimes will give the benefit over a doubt, I intend to help out where I can to try & Stamp out, what seems to me like reckless chat behaviour, plus players who make accusations, just for the pure hell of it. Even I had a guy a few days ago, who said "Nice Wall hack Taylor"! テつ* Of course I did nothing of a kind. I may have been sheltering near a wall,but he soon went quite, when I informed him "I dont think so , since Im a Mod here too!".

Unfortunately テつ*we always テつ*going to have these sneaky types who cause others problems. Spawn killing other bases, by attacking outgoing forces, gets a quick no no from me, to all involved on that side. As will griefing テつ* base camp vehicles and Aircraft, or pushing someone deliberately of a carrier, as happened to me recently, But I didnt get the B***s テつ*name quick enough テつ*ops: テつ* Im studying some sceen shots about hacks and aimbots, and hope to be able to recognise these soon, however as been away some years, I need a little time to settle in and have the confidence, but general bad behaviour & breaking chat rule text, is what I can help with immediately.

So, as a team here, we are trying to turn the tide on these テつ*troublesome players.

I hope you stay with us, and bring up any concerns as you have done, be assured, we are taking steps as my colleagues above say, テつ*but it is still quite a task, and time consuming for many of us.

But we must, we will, Suceed