I was just playing in the Battlefield #7 Server which is a Metro server. テつ*The first round I played I came in half way through and my team was getting base raped for about 600 tickets. テつ*Then next time we are able to push back all the way and the team starts base raping them. テつ*An admin, Commando, comes in on other team and starts nuking everyone. テつ*Not everyone on my team, including myself, was base raping. テつ*We were just defending C when they moved up too fast. テつ*People started complaining and I said as well it isn't very smart or fair to kill an entire team, all of which weren't base raping. テつ*To top things off, the same thing was happening to us just the round before. テつ*I got individually kicked after I said it wasn't smart even though I wasn't base raping and just sitting at C. テつ*You guys should probably exercise fair, and smart, admining.