Ok Guys, I taken this evening to start showing you An Estashblised base In full Operation, テつ*namely My own.

There is three Screenshots in this Overview, Tonight, I will cover The Main Complex of your base:


Starting テつ*with top line of Info, is テつ*the available resources, here we can see I have 47k Tib, 100k blue tib, 377k power stored, and finally
4.475Million credits. Further to the right of this is the name of the base, In this case it has two arrows, because I can select my other base from within this one.

Underneath that is Base level, which stands at 13.79 nearly level 14. テつ*But its very important to note, that Although a level 14 base seems low, its the Defence and offensive capabilties, thats more important, Dont be fooled into thinking an enemy of level 12-13 is a pushover, it may well surprise you 8O

To the right of that, we have three red cubes, these represent how many slots are available for more structures, depending on level of construction yard. テつ*Its common sometimes, when you don't really need a certain structure,you can sell it for I believe 90% of its value. テつ*You will see, some structures below become available now.

going further down the right side of screen is a box with a green mark and an arrow on it. テつ* This is a transfer of resources from another base you own, Clicking this, brings up your other base, and you can transfer resources テつ*from it into the base, handy if you run out of the Blue Tib for repairs.

Now we move to the left hand of the screen. テつ*At very top, is my rank, in this case Staff sergeant, And if Im in an Alliance, it will show as it does, RDA Reapers. テつ*If you run your mouse over the rank, it will tell you how much time, points to next rank.

Below that is the main window to operate your base.

First is Command points CPs, As you can see, I have 64, But the maximum amount I can store is 150, So why is it not 100 like Most others? テつ*The simple answer is connected to the very small (F) sign against the + signs. F stands For Funds. テつ*The large green F at bottom of that info reads 2,568. テつ*Thats 2,568 battlefunds, just the same you use in BFP4F to purchase upgrades or Boosts.

you can either Buy some more Command points, or increase your maximum storage of them, the storage max is only for 7 days, but this might change. テつ*Skipping the other two entries for now, テつ*We come to the little parachute that says 26.

These are called Supply points, and the amount you get in an hour is set. テつ* But as you get promoted The amount of SPs An hour Increase. テつ* Supply points can not be bought, You should try never to completly use them all if possible. テつ*Again on the right side, is the maximum SPs I can Store for use. テつ*Its 320, because of My rank.

You can not use command points unless you have at least 10 Supply points

You can not Buy Command points either, Until you have at least 10 SPs that you can transfer to the top Command Points amount available to use.

Back to the middle data I said we go back too, is:

Your Credits: テつ* 4.475 million テつ* テつ*these are used to purchase new units for offensive and defence actions.
Below that is Research points: I have テつ*5.766Million points.

Research points Are gained each time you go into a battle, wether fogotten bases or an enemy.

Now go to the very top of your screen and click "Research", You will find 3 tabs Offensive, defensive, Special.
If you have enough research points for a particular unit, it will be bright blue, press reseach to aquire that unit. specials include An MCV for your second base, Ion cannon support And falcon Air support.

this covers most aspects of the home base, but テつ*feel free to ask anything your not sure about.

Sundays テつ*Guide will Show you how to set up a Cracking defence, again using A Screenshot

Monday I will Show you a typical Offensive Screenshot of a level 18 fogotten base, with my attack force in the formation, that I believe will do the most damage, but take the least hits.

thats all for now, hope you have enjoyed learning about your base and its interfaces.

ZeroAssault007 テつ* テつ* (Taylor-Nova)