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Complaint: Power Tripping Admin
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  1. #1

    Complaint: Power Tripping Admin

    Alright, first off, let me start by saying that I have really really enjoyed my time on your server. テつ*I know Xfactor and many of my teammates enjoy playing on your server as well.

    Also, let me preface this by saying that I am not banned, nor do I have any intention of getting banned from you server. テつ*

    That being said, my last experience in your server was less than enjoyable. テつ*The round had just started, and my team was absolutely getting smashed. テつ*It was pretty much an instant spawn camp (which happens sometimes, no big deal). テつ*I was on mumble playing with another rival member who was playing on the opposing side for the round. テつ*After he saw how uneven the teams were, he did a team switch to join my squad. テつ*

    When getting spawn camped, we don't complain, but we actually enjoy the challenge of "bringing it back." テつ*Meaning, we love the challenge of breaking through and trying to reverse the situation. テつ*We've done it many times before and it just makes "pubbing" a little more competitive for us. テつ*It also avoids us "base raping."

    However, when my teammate (sMaCk) did the teamswitch, he was instantly harassed by an admin in the server, named Natorr. テつ*The conversation went something like this...

    Natorr: テつ*lol nice team switch rival
    smack: テつ*??
    smack: テつ*just trying to even the teams
    Natorr: テつ*I find team switchers funny
    Natorr: テつ*It's not like team switching actually evens the teams
    Natorr: テつ*There's no real reason to do it
    smack: テつ*why the hate?

    and it goes from there...

    (keep in mind, that is just some paraphrasing)

    So there are little snide comments made here and there, all the while we are actually making a difference (newsflash: 2 good players can actually change the outcome in a server). テつ*We end up capping C and begin to take B when Natorr decides to do a team nuke to both sides... テつ*After that, she force moves Smack BACK to the team that was camping us. テつ*

    At that point I was pretty frustrated. テつ*It just seems that any logic or reason was evading Natorr. テつ*I have nothing against her personally, but there is seriously no reason for the admin abuse in that situation. テつ*Again, we enjoy playing in your server. テつ*We try to respect your rules, and we generally get along with everyone there. テつ*

    So I just wanted to bring this to your attention. テつ*I don't want you to remove her admin or anything, just maybe tone it back a little bit and try to show some respect. テつ*Thanks.

  2. #2
    Registered Guests
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: Complaint: Power Tripping Admin

    Read bottom to top.

    2012-04-13 23:22:57 rivaLAaron lol shitty server
    2012-04-13 23:22:52 rivaLsMaCk bye
    2012-04-13 23:22:49 rivaLsMaCk wow powertripping admin
    2012-04-13 23:22:48 Dream-fL hahahaha
    2012-04-13 23:22:46 Dream-fL force moved
    2012-04-13 23:22:43 Dwarrowdane move up
    2012-04-13 23:22:43 Dream-fL wow
    2012-04-13 23:22:32 HBeretta res
    2012-04-13 23:22:31 Natorrr !yes
    2012-04-13 23:22:28 Mike_KFM lol, so does the postman....
    2012-04-13 23:22:27 Natorrr !fmove RivalS
    2012-04-13 23:20:45 rivaLAaron how dare he even the teams!
    2012-04-13 23:20:40 rivaLAaron lol
    2012-04-13 23:20:39 rivaLsMaCk i switched to the team that is 3 capped?
    2012-04-13 23:20:39 rivaLAaron I mean if you wanted him to play with you, just ask
    2012-04-13 23:20:39 Dwarrowdane seems like baserape to me
    2012-04-13 23:20:25 Natorrr Team switchers amuse me,.
    2012-04-13 23:20:08 Mike_KFM oops
    2012-04-13 23:20:00 rivaLsMaCk why the hate?
    2012-04-13 23:19:51 Natorrr And that's cool because the server filled and was inbalanced by you.
    2012-04-13 23:19:48 Mike_KFM lol
    2012-04-13 23:19:02 robert0716 REIVEVE
    2012-04-13 23:18:52 robert0716 NICE
    2012-04-13 23:18:40 rivaLsMaCk im trying to help the srvr
    2012-04-13 23:18:40 Natorrr don't call me a scrub.
    2012-04-13 23:18:38 rivaLAaron not sure what you're implying lol
    2012-04-13 23:18:31 rivaLsMaCk were capped out scrub
    2012-04-13 23:18:25 Natorrr Uh huh.
    2012-04-13 23:18:24 rivaLsMaCk ?
    2012-04-13 23:18:21 rivaLsMaCk trying to bring it back
    2012-04-13 23:18:11 Natorrr Nice team switch mister rival.
    2012-04-13 23:18:01 Natorrr hahahaa

    I don't see the issue. I see two guests claim to balance the server and an admin claim it unbalanced it and made the decision to balance it how the admin saw fit. Then I see the guests complain.

    Even if your right. テつ*Natorrr was the admin present. テつ*The admin makes the choice.
    Check out the Old Guys Gaming BF3 Stats Database. - NEW!

  3. #3

    Re: Complaint: Power Tripping Admin

    If I may add, I didn't do this in a way of being prejudice against any of the rival members or rivalSmack in particular whatsoever. I forced switched because when I hit tab to look at the teams once I found out that your buddy had team switched, the teams were unbalanced where your team had 3 extra players, and rivalSmack only added to it, which is my reasoning of force switching later on (when you guys advanced to B and keeping us from passing ticketbooth).

    I, as an admin, and a smart one at that, WOULD NEVER nuke both sides EVER. I nuke twice when my team, or the opposing team is base raping to give the defending team a chance to advance.

    Also, did you forget I had nuked my own team for base raping? And did you happen to notice when rival actually switched, we were advanced at C but nobody was past the flag that I could see nearby?, so whether or not your intentions were to help the defending team, or balance the server, it's unfortunate you were unable to do either of those by leaving the server.

  4. #4

    Re: Complaint: Power Tripping Admin

    Edit: テつ*Was writing this post while Natorr was posting.

    I see. テつ*Well my apologies and thanks for the reply.

  5. #5
    Registered Guests
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: Complaint: Power Tripping Admin

    Thread Locked

    Issue resolved.
    Check out the Old Guys Gaming BF3 Stats Database. - NEW!

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