on gamescom dice confirmed the following stuff:

* Punkbustersupport including PB Screenshots
*Close cooperation with Even Balance
*Squad Menu in the GamesCom version is not final yet
*Team Deathmatch is coming for all 9 announced maps
*Max. 12 vs 12 in TDM
*Same classes and customization in TDM as in the other modes
*Functional ingamemenu with scoreboard, squadmenu, suicide, options etc.
*24 player maps for console are scaled
*No dynamically alligned map size based on the numbers of players
*No public server files, reason is DICE' anticheat strategy
*Ingame messages to buddies in the friend list
*No new info about the batterecorder question yet
*Remaining tickets will be shown after end of round in the final game
*Autobalance similiar to the one in BC2
*No new info about pre-order yet (beta)
*There is no final decision about origin and the number of soldiers yet
*Splitscreen on console is not possible due to the hardware limits on console