We were a well oiled war machine in the series today, テつ*all of us held the line and position. テつ* And medics and ammo where all well placed. テつ*Props too nullveer for being the solo trouble maker. テつ* The first 2 games a few of us didnt even die. テつ* I am happy to have been recruited by you guys, テつ* even if i am a wanker. テつ* テつ*In total i am 54 and 5 in the whole series. テつ* I appologize for straying from the line twice. テつ* テつ*I hope sometime i get the chance to take the forward position. テつ* テつ* I hope we have some more scrimaches before next week. テつ* テつ* テつ* Keep up the awesome leadership