Ps3 is officially owned! lol 3.55ofw and the ps3 in general got owned today, some guy called mohikankoko or whatever (similar to that lol) just released his custom firmware that lets you use a backup manager on 3.55 to play any games you want to download, or just rip a copy from the local rental store or a mates dvd . I know what I am going to buy with my first paycheque, a 2tb hdd and usb enclosure rofl, then a 500gb 7200rpm drive for the ps3 itself, man Sony just got pwnt, they deserve it though, I spent over £500 in games over 2 years, what I get in reply? They took away my other OS and stopped me playing ps2 games on my ps3 (sure still got my ps2, but that aint got wireless remotes!!!).

Plus the fukers banned my first ps3 cos apparently it was used to buy a few games on my cousins account and he charged it back on his credit card, claiming he does not know who done it rofl, the worst bit, I offered to pay for the games if they were transfered to my account and then they could unban my ps3, but no they said the games will stay on his account and I still had to pay the cost of the games to unban my ps3, so I told them go fuk themself and bought a new ps3 lol, why should I have to pay for games, that my cousin gets to keep, just to unban my ps3? Even though if I did not pay, he would still get them games anyway, since Sony got some dick policy. Btw to date he still got those games on his psn account and I still ain't paid for them nor has he... Well I know what I am doing to that banned ps3 lol Eat my pirated games Sony you fukkers!