sorry sir 2 hear this from u, i always said to u (via PM) that i am there to help and support u!
So if my integrity is doubted....u could have contacted me and not offend my will to help in this way!
@ all OG`s:
Though it is necessary to answer the matter in this way to put things straight: i always mentioned
that i will be there if help and support is needed and so i wrote some PM´s to appl assuring my
whish 4 help and underlining that i am there if asked for!
I am absend in the game, but follow the forums, i play Bfh but only 4 myself atm - will say:
I look for d-missions and for some relaxation playing inbetween a tight scedule. i also wrote some PM
to other members to explain more these circumstances - also to avoid misunderstandings when i am in a game
and leave it all of a sudden (which is/was not because of the other member joining it, but only because of (coincidence).