Greetings Fellow Old Guys, I Apologize for my Bit of Absence Real Life has been a Bit Crazy, However, i Would Love to Get More on the Ball as Far as out NA Unit Goes, I feel Joe Pain has taken the Necessary Step in the Direction towards Filling our NA Roster by Helping us with the North American Server, i Find Myself in it Almost all day since its been up.

Back on Topic, テつ*I Also Haven't Noticed till recently the P4F League's New Ladder for The Spetz and Navy Seal ladders, I Put out this Post to Get a Head Count on Our North American team Members,

So Far i Know of Quite a Few but i want to Be Sure as to Who all is In NA and Interested in Perhaps being Roster-ed in the NA Navy Seal Unit.

The Rules state The Team Needs 60 percent of the Unit Has to be from NA, テつ*Since テつ*there is only 4 team mates in total, that leaves one Spot for an EU Sub if Need be.

We Can Schedule Some 4 on 4 Events for practice, with each other aswel as other Clans, テつ*4v4 are very easy to organize, if we cant find 4 players at-least every day online at once we are having some issues, so this shouldn't be trouble.

I am Very Excited, to get some 4v4 games in, and get off this Horrible Losing Spree we seem to have been in.

All NORTH AMERICAN MEMBERS CURRENTLY INTERESTED, テつ*FALL IN and Let me Know you are and if your interested in the Navy Seal ladder UNIT