Goodmorning all,
For some time now I have been wanting to organize a community meeting in the Netherlands.
But I never had a good idea on where and how to organize it.
So thats why im going to bring it up here.
My idea would be to have a big BBQ in the Gaasperplas park near Amsterdam.
Its very easy to get to with public transport but also by car.
Its remote so we can all get fucking wasted without people giving a crap.
For people that would come from a little further, and want to spend the night in Amsterdam,
would be able to either take a spot on the campsite closeby,
or maybe I would be able to fix a big house closeby. But that I will update later on.
Ofcourse after the BBQ we can go grab some drinks in the city or whatever we feel like.
For this meeting we would set a date on some weekend, depending on the weather ofcourse.
My suggestion would be the weekend of 7th of July. The weekend earlyer is not possible due to socces finals.
These people can be there:
Vercetti | Frank
TheIncredible | Chris
Caveman | Michiel
There is a catering that delivers a full BBQ meal for 13.50 a person (no drinks) including free delivery.
For this we would have to have a group bigger than 10 guys.
So what do you think? Would you be interested? Would you show up?
If not, can we bribe you with a goodiebag? xD
Let us know by replying!