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View Full Version : Graphics card tech question Nvidia 470 + 780Ti (upgrade)

2014-06-12, 22:20
Hi Folks

I know it's unusual i ask such a question since i usually do the answering...
I got a GTX-470 and want to add a GTX-780 Ti...IF i have an advantage when using BOTH cards.
If i would use the 780 Ti (3GB) as main card is there any advantage of keeping the GTX470 (1280MB)?
Cuz if i remember it correctly i could benefit from keeping the GTX-470.
Is this indeed the case?, is there a way to set up the 2 cards so i could benefit from a GTX470 as secondary card?
What would the advantage be?, and what tasks would each card be doing?
F*ck that never mind...found it; How to Install and Configure a Dedicated PhysX Video Card (http://www.hardwaresecrets.com/article/How-to-Install-and-Configure-a-Dedicated-PhysX-Video-Card/1763/1)

Now i still have the question..290X 4GB or GTX-780Ti with 3GB?
I mean whats speed if i run out of memory in the future, i can always add a card.
I got a 32" full HD tv and a 17"TFT screen. (I might replace the secondary screen with a high resolution screen in the far ÂÂ*future)

Please HELP ÂÂ*;-D ÂÂ*Greetings Jimmy D