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View Full Version : Getting the teamplay up on its feet again, and maybe play VS

2014-04-17, 08:36
Hi guys

I have been contacted several times to join the league/funwars MyBfi.com is hosting and i am wondering how many people would be interested.
Would you like to participate in a league/funwars please comment below.
It's a oppertunity to get OG to play VS several community's-clans.
Reply below if you would be interested or if you would like to know more...
In case the staff want to sign us up contact MagogGemini or staff @ MyBfi.com's forum or their TS.

With the Friendly greetings Jimmy ;-D

EDIT: Forgot to post the link: http://mybfi.com/mybfi-events

2014-04-17, 13:31
It'd be interesting, although I'm a lousy player and don't play often, if it's prearranged, I might be there as a cannon fodder for the OG team :)

2014-04-18, 13:39
Im totaly in for wars and more teamplay!
the reason I usualy leave the BF4 teamspeak is because the amount of PC talk and raging, so more teamplay on the teamspeak would be great!

2014-04-18, 14:11
I cant let my buddy alone in the dark...

2014-04-18, 17:02
I would be in, but like zladuric I am not a strong player in BF4.......

2014-04-19, 19:08
I'm totally in for wars and more team play!

2014-04-20, 10:11
I'm totally in for wars and more team play!And that has never been an issue in OG. Getting everyone 'in' together ... thats the challenge :D

2014-04-20, 22:42
Been thinking about this a but, lately. I'm not playing that much at the moment, but I find it much easier if its to a regular schedule - Tuesday and Sunday nights, for instance, are generally good for me (except for school holidays and when I'm away for work). So I could easily sign up for a regular gathering on those night. But if I don't know that something is happening with a regular group, then I dip in and out randomly...

2014-04-24, 16:24
weekends are mostly fine for me. always available for squadplay

2014-04-24, 16:59
Ofcourse me skinny and bum would have to fit it in between the BFP4F trainings and wars