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2014-02-26, 18:51
(First of all, sorry if my english is not perfect, i try to do my best :P)

Hi, the last days i didn't see admins in OG #6 and is the only server where I play. Seems that auto-kick tool doesnt function and lot of shotguns appear in myanmar and cryers/ragers and similar people is the fashion in the server.

I was doing a list of people that disturb, but there are some people that makes the game a ****. I don't know if that will be use, but i dont lose nothing doing that (except time xD):

CRANK-2pac -> shotgun (i said lot of times that not allowed, but totally ignored)
fedzia -> same than crank and say "you gonna kick me? xD", the next time I see in the server he didnt use shotgun
Juuulacho -> c4 in cars and flags so often
fel4xDD -> flaming all the time, saying that enemies seem bots and テつ*similar things so disturbing.
TheBigNOOB -> a pro player, but is a pro rager too and all the time saying offensive commentaries about mothers and sisters of people and more things, he is the worst of all that guys and when he is playing a prefer go play LoL because i prefer dont be with people like him.

If that will be usefull i can do it always, but if it's going to be ignored say me and dont waste more time. Thanks ;D

2014-02-27, 07:04
Hey Manel,

thanks for your affort!!!
We will have a close look at the chat logs, and will try to get the autokicker back up again asap.

See you on sunday :-)


2014-02-27, 13:03
No problem, better play for both without that players. See ya! ;D

PS: I used to play as TerraLliure.

2014-03-01, 17:00
.::Luka::. テつ* -> テつ* Massive flame, if that were not enough, was in french.
quinteniscool テつ*-> テつ*go enemie base before take any flags to spawnkill (usually with apc), but have not skilll and usually dies before kill