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View Full Version : complaint HashnicK

2014-02-22, 21:17
A guy came on teamspeak complaining that this guy is a cheat.
Said he knows the guy and that he all of a sudden became incredibly good.

Checked the screens but only black.

Will you check him out?


2014-02-22, 22:48
He is Clean. Even if he is polish
He have a really good accuracy but if u check what kind of map he play, thats sharqi only almost.
I have checked him before and its a lot of our clan members a have checked a lot more then this one.

He have a lot of lvl 30 Soldiers 2 and why start cheat now.

best score ever is 13k on a map.

2014-02-23, 10:39
Thanks for the Info weberDK!!!

As orroz said, no cheats visible, no stats above "the line", he seems to be clean.
