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2014-01-05, 14:18
OK i want to know why in the past year,especially on the holidays TS went down so many times,along with the Minecraft server
and for some reason our OG community doesn't have a backup TS テつ*as it should have
I'm donating money here and many other people ,to have rights to be in the community and and have a functional TS so we can enjoy a good time together and テつ*play games BF4,3 etc,for the past weaks i haven't seen anything from out liders to FIX this crap,makes me mad as hell right now :evil: テつ*to see this happening when its already happend once when we played テつ*BP4Free and had a backup after it went down
FIX IT NOW :!: テつ*:!:

2014-01-05, 15:53
Totally agree :)

I understand that staff can't do much about the servers going down at the moment, but I don't understand why we don't have a working backup teamspeak.

The old backup ts that is posted on the front page of the website is no longer availabe:

An external (not on our dns, dedibox, or even in our datacenter just to be sure) 25 people teamspeak server is only like $5/month, sure we can miss that much with the ammount of players we got!

2014-01-05, 16:03
cant understand why this OG community doesn't have 5 $ for a damn backup TS ,when we have so many BF servers around,its a shame for the community

2014-01-05, 17:06
3 weeks with t/s going off and on along with the minecraft server as well.
its getting silly now 3 weeks with nothing done to fix the problem.?
whats happening.?
how longs it gonna take.?
wheres the backup t/s.?

members tempers are starting to get out of control ツ*:cry:

this needs to be fixed asap.!

like someones said we have 4 bf4 servers and yet we don`t have a t/s.?
shits gone wrong bad

2014-01-05, 17:07
Backup servers is up.

Sorry for the problems
This has nothing to do with $5 but it is on hosting site.
I wash thinking that it will sorted out by now .

So for now we have a backup

PS: oldguys

2014-01-05, 17:16
Guys we are working on this, as far as we know it has something to do whti the internal network @ the host company.
So please stay calm and ceep your posts a bit normal!!!

Will keep you updated on this if things are changing.

2014-01-05, 19:09
the TS wiping out is irritating but not the worst part
i hate the minecraft server more somebody have to do something about the lagg im chopping blocks away i already chopped!

2014-01-05, 19:10
the TS wiping out is irritating but not the worst part
i hate the minecraft server more somebody have to do something about the lagg im chopping blocks away i already chopped!

The lag on minecraft server is solved, only when ts goes down minecraft goes down also.
So that issue remains and with the back up people can still connect to a TS. Until the issue is really solved!

2014-08-13, 13:19
Hi guys

The backend server is upgraded so TS isseus an minecraft lag are resolved as long as the hoster provides good service.
(faster CPU and SSD's in raid, also a new location if i am not mistaking)

PS:New TS setup up and running: TS.OldGuys.eu Pass oldguys
If you EVER need ANY kind of help look me up @ TS, glad to resolve any trouble you might have.

If not available there PM me on the forum or email me @ JimDijkstra86NL@OldGuys.eu
Backup TeamSpeak; OciaDev1.ocia.nl or ts3.dmch.nl:10101 pass: oldguys