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2013-12-03, 19:38
The use of PROCON commands within the lines of our community rules.


Our community mission is I think pretty known amongst our members! But for those that aren’t that 101% certain about it!
We like to play in a friendly, fair and respectful environment and that for more than 4 years already. Where of course some adult behavior is a necessity and demanded of all our members and players in our servers!

We arm ALL our members with certain commands to intervene when necessary to adjust behavior, team/game balance or just bluntly refusing cheaters to play any further!

Their weapon arsenal:
!say, !pyell, !yell, !kill, !kick, !tban, !ban, !fmove, !nuke US, !nuke CN, !nuke RU

Sanctions will be taken when breaching one of the following rules:


1# No use of cheats, macros or any other not allowed game exploit including glitches.

We like to play fair in this community and on our servers. All those who can’t do that will be dealt with swiftly![/spoil:9ce1847f19]

Punishment: Permanent ban!

2# Being/Using inappropriate (language) in our servers!

Offending, slanging players, members or OG itself will NOT be allowed.
The use of racist words or those that imply racism will be punished severe!

We will not jump on you when you say the ‘F’ word, but there is no need for personal crusades to take place in our servers![/spoil:9ce1847f19]

Punishments: Warnings, kicks, temporary bans and even permanent bans!

3# NO baserape rule.

We like to keep things fair and fun on both sides of the medal. Getting baseraped or performing one is boring for both sides! Therefore we will NOT allow shooting in the spawn, doesn’t matter where you shoot from! Also keep a fair distance of their base point. A fair distance to be considered is behind their closest first point other than the base. Allowing them to re-take that point and keep the game interesting for both sides!

You can only speak of baserape when one team lost all the flags and is getting pinned down on their home base. [/spoil:9ce1847f19]

Punishments: Warnings, kicks, team or player nukes and temporary bans.

4# ‘Starting up a server’; policy.


As a member you must try to fill up the OG servers, doing this with at least 4 people should be the most efficient way!

When a server is under the amount of 10 players and consists out of other vehicles, helicopters, jets or other! It is not allowed to kill with those assets until the server reaches more than 10 players.

This includes driving players over with any of the map assets! You are only allowed to kill with weapons you can equip on your soldier.

This to allow a fair equal battle at the start to assure players stay and so that hopefully will lead to a full server!
Make sure you do not rape the persons joining the server, otherwise they will leave and that way servers will not fill up that way.

Punishments: Warnings and kicks!

5# Advertising in our servers for other clans, products, ect …

We don’t advertise on your server(s), site(s), forum(s). We expect at least the same level of respect in our servers, forum and site! Please keep your spam or advertising out of our servers and our community environment.[/spoil:9ce1847f19]

Punishments: Warnings, kicks, temporary bans and even permanent bans!

6# Complaints about OG in general or punishments done by members of OG shall not be discussed in game servers.

If you really think a ban, kick, ect was done inappropriate you are allowed to bring up your case in a mature way on our forums in the proper section! Discussing this on one of our gaming servers is NOT allowed since we don’t talk about our decisions in game. [/spoil:9ce1847f19]

Punishments: Warnings, kicks and temporary bans.

How to use PROCON in-game?


!say <message> (Ex: !say Hello everyone.)
- Chat as admin instead of playername. Use this to stay anonymous.

!pyell <name> <message> (Ex: !pyell Shadowfox_OG DO NOT BASERAPE)
- Shows the message in the bottom center of the screen to the player.
! This command is not available for BF4 yet!

!yell <message> (Ex: !yell DO NOT BASERAPE)
- Shows the message in the bottom center of the screen to all alive players.
! This command is not available for BF4 yet!

!kill <name> (Ex: !kill Shadowfox_OG)
- Kills players ingame.

!kick <name> <reason> (Ex: !kick Shadowfox_OG baseraping)
- Kicks a player off the server.

!tban <name> <time> <reason> (Ex: !tban Shadowfox_OG 60 disrespect)
- Temporarily bans a player for 60 minutes.
Max for members is 60, make a topic in Bans & Complaints forum after banning so the staff can decide to prolong the ban.

!ban <name> <reason> (Ex: !ban Shadowfox_OG hacking)
- Permanently bans a player for the server.
! This command is not available for members, only staff can use this command.

!fmove <name> (Ex: !fmove Shadowfox_OG)
- Force moves the player to the other team.

!moveme <name> (Ex: !moveme Shadowfox_OG)
- Force moves you to the other team in the server.

!nuke <faction> (Ex: !nuke US)
!nuke <faction> (Ex: !nuke RU)
!nuke <faction> (Ex: !nuke CN)
- Nukes the corresponding faction.

!punish <name> or <report> (Ex: !punish 546)
- auto-applies the appropriate kill / kick / ... on the given player name or report id.

FULL LIST OF COMMANDS CLICK LINK (http://www.oldguys.eu/file/Vercetti/proconcommands1.png):

All rules and punishments can be revised any moment and are immediately effective! When you play on our servers or enter our teamspeak, forum or website you automatically agree to our rules!

2013-12-09, 01:39
Can you please just clarify #3 here:
No baserape means not shooting at the enemy base. That includes campers too? Like, snipers sitting far back and picking people off? You don't punish him back, you wait for him to come ÂÂ*forward? Just asking to be on the 100% safe side :)

2013-12-09, 09:39
yes, them to, just move little bit so they can't shoot you and they will need to move forward.

2013-12-09, 12:46
If you are unsure about the appropriate punishment you can use:

!punish <name> or <report> (Ex: !punish 546)
- auto-applies the appropriate kill / kick / ... on the given player name or report id.

This will automaticly do the right choice.

2013-12-17, 04:05
Nice work guys!!

All i am missing is a full on explanation how to obtain the rights for BF4.
And an explanation how to use the !explosives command.
And will people abusing/spamming explovives and/or shotguns get auto warned/killed/kicked in the future when it works properly?)

2013-12-17, 07:31
You will get all necessary info >>>> HERE <<<< (http://www.oldguys.eu/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=7628)

2013-12-18, 19:58
Nice work I'll spread the word.

2013-12-23, 11:40
Great work guys.

But whenever I join our server I get some new messages from procon script. Would be nice to have some changelog because now I cannot follow whats new, and I play a lot on Op Locker.

1. The script keeps asking me for the explosives ratio

2. yesterday i saw a !votekick command on OG#2 ( locker, the reason to votekick wasn't even entered ) that needed only 2 votes so the guy got kicked before i could !stopvote

3. Nowdays I see something about explosives alowed because there are 10 or more players ?

4. Nuke command still works only for US army by writing !nuke usarmy so the Procon asks you to nuke US

Would be nice to have a separate sticky thread about what rules apply to different servers so we can have it always up to date. ÂÂ*

!punish command is useful but with players coming back you want to just kill a guy .. and he gets banned for a day :) at this rate in few months there will be no more people to fill up our servers :) lol

2013-12-23, 14:10
Good point, explanation will follow soon. Nice to know, how players realize the chatmessages.

2013-12-23, 14:15
It's !nuke us, !nuke cn or !nuke ru

I have tried them and they worked last time!

2013-12-23, 15:21
It's !nuke us, !nuke cn or !nuke ru

I have tried them and they worked last time!

Mine last time was yesterday, and it didn't :) Yours ? :)

2013-12-23, 21:30
Also I saw really nice features in MULTIbalancer [] 04-DEC-2013 for ProCon

Especially Unstacking .. so if a team has an advantage of lets say 200 tickets (can be set any ticket number) the script will start moving good players in the weaker team .. and things like that.
It also can take in account if players have the same tag so they are kept together ..
