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View Full Version : What can you unlock with single player campaign? Useful?

2013-11-03, 23:55
As the topic says, what useful stuff do you get by finishing single player? I've just read here:

that you have to keep 3 different endings to unlock 3 different weapons for multiplayer. What are those, are they worth burning 10 hours into single player? What else do you get?

Is it any fun?

2013-11-04, 01:26
I have finished the Single player, because I want to know the story behind the game. I find it interesting to know the characters. Single player you can finish in 2hours. So no worries.

When you finish the single player you get 100% this:

And depending on what choices you make during the single player, you unlock one of the following guns:

My advice, play the single player whenever you have some time free and are done with multiplayer for the day.

2013-11-04, 12:31
For the 3 different endings you don't need to replay the whole campaign, you can just redo the last mission to unlock all 3 weapons:

Don't give c4 to anyone: unlock qbz
Give c4 to the girl: unlock p90
Give c4 to the guy: unlock m249

2013-11-04, 12:37
Thanks for the tip!