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View Full Version : BF4 and tablets

2013-11-03, 10:07
I don't know whether anyone else has played with this but I was messing around with Battlelog on my iPad2 (apologies to all the Apple haters out there) and managed to set it up to show a map of the session I was playing. It shows quite a detailed map, with all the friendlies, plus any enemies that are spotted. Really pretty useful in the mode I was playing (TDM) although it didn't help my play. I don't know why but I am significantly worse at BF4 than I was at BF3, any iasnt any good to start with. Very frustrating!

I'm not seeing many people spotting at the moment, which is a pity because it really helps with this second screen full sized map.

BTW ÂÂ*it seems as though to enable this functionality the tablet must be on the same network as my main gaming PC, which must be broadcasting in some manner. Interesting...

2013-11-03, 23:47
I have the same thing on my second monitor instead, but it is not all that useful. Minimap still rules, you can't afford to look at the other monitor to check where people are.