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View Full Version : Battlefield 4 Fan/youtubers footage

2013-09-01, 11:31
So apperently some BIG youtubers were invited to play the latest build of BF4 @ the DICE LA office! 8O





Some nice footage:



2013-09-13, 05:21
So Youtubers where invited to play BF4 @ the DICE LA office!!!

2013-09-13, 09:51
Stupid thing was. Levelcap was the only battlefield youtuber. Driftor , minnisotaburns etc etc are all major call of duty channels. Â*

Dirty marketing trick by ea to pull in their call of duty fans.

Was a bit disappointed by that since battlefield yotubers could have given us more in depth info experiences etc. Â*And i think people like mattimio, xfactor and jackfrags deserve this sort of exclusive trip far more than some guys who never cared for battlefield nor ever did something for the community. Hell Driftor even slacked the entire bf3 community claiming he quit bf3 completely because it had the worst community...

But that is just my opinion.

I do enjoy the videos though, it's nice to get a look at all the guns.
PDW seem to have very little damage.
And i think alot of sounds are placeholders since alot of guns sound the same to me?

2013-09-13, 15:31
Well i think you are horrible wrong here m8, that you did not see their names in this videos not means they where there!

Secondly Xfactor is more into paintball @ the moment than PC gaming so :idea:

2013-09-13, 16:00
Well i think you are horrible wrong here m8, that you did not see their names in this videos not means they where there!

Secondly Xfactor is more into paintball @ the moment than PC gaming so :idea:
I base this off what I see on scoreboards and kill feeds
And I really see a MAJOR amount of CoD youtubers, but then really , ALOT of them.
But thats not even the point, I think people like Driftor who slack the entire community , shouldn't be invited at all ^^

Yea, I know xfactor is more into paintball, but he still did a HUGE service for the Battlefield Community. therfor alone I think deserves it ;)

But lets not go to far off-topic.

What do you think about the guns?

Some of the LMG's had scary low recoil it seemed.

2013-09-18, 15:51
More BF4 Footage



2013-09-18, 16:43
Should i make a post about guns ect ?
And keep it updated ?

2013-10-13, 17:02