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View Full Version : Ban request statspadding

2013-08-20, 07:18
As you can see in this image took on OG1 this morning i was telling them not to do stats padd the third guy who revived left the server when he heard about T4G the other one was trying to lure me to defibrilate him for xp
http://s12.postimg.org/cmwh399al/screen030.jpg (http://postimage.org/)
screen capture windows 7 (http://postimage.org/app.php)

2013-08-20, 10:03
Thanks for reporting!

As much as I am hunting cheaters/statspadders, I am afraid you need stronger and evidence than this as well as more information, because unfortunately, your picture shows only you telling others that they were stats padding, not that they were actually stats padding.

Mr.Simuds statistics do not show anything obviously related to stats padding.
Also, the exact names are missing. If I assume (but we should not be assuming....) that the second player was the one that Mr.Simud kills in the kill-feed: what was the 3rd players name?

Next time when you see this, take some screenshots that actually show them stats padding in that picture, as well as take screenshots of the score board.
Video capture is even better:

(Aside from the soldier being together, watch the kill-feed!)

I happen to have video capture software available:
This video shows the score-board as well.

Another example of statspadding (capping 1 flag in turns without killing each other):


Maybe RPG will decide to ban them from the OG server based on your statement, but I think it is not worth it to submit them to T4G with this evidence.

2013-08-21, 01:17
I can tell you for sure that Mr.Simud isn't statspadder 8O

2013-08-21, 10:21
i played a lot with him on ÂÂ*a server he has true skills so i dont think he is a statspadder