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View Full Version : Star Wars The Old Republic Free To PLay

2013-03-16, 05:28
You can play for free SWTOR.

Registration and download on THIS (http://www.swtor.com/) link

2013-03-16, 11:11
You play?

2013-03-16, 13:23
Pretty good scifi MMO. Played it for a couple of months. Once I cleared all content with my guild it was no longer worth paying the subscription so I unsubbed. Mechanics are pretty much the same as WoW but graphics are a lot better. High quality game on all fronts, both PvE and PvP. Really enjoyed those few months I played and since it's F2P now I can recommend trying it out to anyone who's into these types of games.

2013-04-17, 11:30
Although been out of battlefieldP4F a long time now, I thought I would return to =OG= using Teamspeak In SWTOR.

I am a Subscriber, and I now have access to the new expansion "The Rise of The Hutt Cartel" which was a bargain Digital download, By pre-Order.

I am Enjoying this immensely, There is no other type of immersive MMORG like this one, its been updated quite a lot recently.

It helps , now I upgraded to a 24" Widesreen HDMI Monitor with resolution at 1920x1080, Planets especially tattooine With
its Hot sands and Grand Canyons, which you dont really want to fall into it, is simply stunning Graphics.

However, When I was in TS, This game was listed, But at the time of launch I didnt think it was for me, In the end I found C&C boring テつ*and two like a face book 2D game.

I have reached level 31 Female trooper, With Companions Aric, Elara, and the Droid, But tend to use Elara, because she heals me and any groups I join, and she makes me laugh Quoting the Regulations.

My other Charactor is テつ*Female Jedi Consular Level 14, which I simply cant put her down, She holds herself well, especially in "The Warzones", better than my level 31 trooper.! テつ* Im quite fond of my Lizard Companion, and just upgraded his armour from the galactic market.

I also like the way you can sell most items to other players using the above GTM , I made 3000 Credits one day last week, selling a lot テつ*of surplus lvl 44 objects.

I tend to make medpacks, so I sell them on GTM and give one or two to my friends that I often join in a group missions.
I find SWTOR very good value for money at ツ」8.99 a month , and 500 gratis cartel coins each time, Which is quite differant from The BP4F which I got fed up, continually paying for basic Health テつ*Boosts, I rather pay a Sub for it, and have similar markets to sell and trade items. テつ*Although Its like WoW, Blizzard has no participation in it, as its Devs are Bioware, and EA, which still fail big time, in updates, server crashes, and general lack of any customer care. テつ*Having said that, I have only had one major offline event in the 3 months I been playing it.

If any =OG=Gamers use TS for this, or have charactors They play, Please look me up

AliceTvirus TaylorNova テつ* テつ* テつ* テつ* テつ* Republic trooper 31, currently in Tatooine. テつ*(last part of name being my legacy name)
Aliceafterlife テつ*TaylorNova テつ* テつ* テつ* Jedi Consular 14 Currently in Coruscant

2013-04-17, 20:21
I do not dare try it.

Huge SW fan, love MMORPG's but too time consuming if you want to get somewhere.
If I ever find myself in lack of an addiction, I hope this will still be played :D