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View Full Version : Request ban for shadow10987 AKA AskAl29

2013-02-08, 04:31
I have to say I love your server I have been playing alot but when you get some dickheads on here it really ruins it. This shadow10987character is running a selective aimbot he turns it on and off and his leisure. He can pick off every single guy out of the chopper in one burst of a m4a1 he's done it too many times to be luck. No shots miss he takes out the pilot and co pilot. He can also burst you down with the m4a1 from across the map.

Another thing that gives him away is if you are on his team and in the tank with him watch the tracers. You can actually see the tracers 'track' the target and hit. The tracers curve to the target. I have played about 450 hours of bf3 and can tell when I see bs like this. I have to say again I LOVE your server but this guy fucks it up. He's been on your server for about a week straight pulling this shit. He's admitted to using an aimbot already I don't know why he is still playing.

Battlelog : http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/soldier/shadow10987/stats/758077496/



2013-02-08, 07:24

https://www.google.com/#hl=en&tbo=d&output=search&sclient=psy-ab&q=shadow10987&oq=shadow10987&gs_l=hp.12...1780.1780.0.2628. 1.0.les%3B..0.0...1c.2.2.hp.nMklq0hozt4&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.42080656,d.cGE&fp=506791a4fbec8351&biw=1920&bih=979

*check his assignments as well ????????*

2013-02-08, 07:26
I can second the motion to ban this player. I was in the round directly afterwards.


The player boasts an incredibly high "Skill" and "SPM" stats. While I understand that these types of values are possible for the very top tier of players, This is definitely not the case.

In addition a simple google of the players username ironically shows the first link to a profile of the same name on ilikecheats.com, A website that hosts BF3 hacks and bots. Further investigation into the search results shows more profiles on hack pages, and other requests on websites to ban this player for cheats. Ill add my ~750 hrs of gameplay to Honcho's in saying that I have never seen a legit player do some of the things I watched him do.

2013-02-08, 08:55
Thanks to whoever made some sort of action (whatever it was) against shadow. It's good to see peoples' voices being heard.


2013-02-08, 10:32
Thanks for the report guys, this guy will be banned soon! :)

2013-02-09, 05:19
Major Respect! ! ! ! *bows down* WE'RE NOT WORTHY WE'RE NOT WORTHY!!!!!

2013-02-09, 23:35
join us on ts if u like for a game ;-)
we always like supportive players :P
and ofcourse some teamplay, just ask a member to drag u into the channel for access ;-)

2013-02-12, 05:51
re-request for a ban on this guys EAGIUD he came back with another name;

1. name; Â*askal54 aka shadow10987 Â* banned on guid; EA_D0AA0F9A89A8B16E01B4CD8CE956A784
2. server 7 damavand peak, twice in a month
3. becuase of previous one shotting in mid. air when in full flight from the top of the tower/antenna, and beeing mentioned by flinch_fakula wich triggered googling for me.
google him he bought/downloaded a shit load of cheats...or iether he is way too interested if u ask me. 807 results 50+ results contain the word "cheat"
4. http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/#!/bf3/user/Askal29/
5. aimbot/aim assist - damagemodifier - no recoil ÂÂ*no spread
6. permban or at least 25 years ;-)

2013-02-13, 04:50
I too would like to send my thanks for taking action against that player. I was suspicious of his gameplay for awhile. Thanks again.

2013-02-14, 06:00
CONFIRMED shaow is askal. both users are in the same platoon. Please ban this account as well he is trying to mess with your server.

2013-02-14, 06:02
He is on your rush server now will post links on this thread after every report as well. He was only using his aimbot on me to be a dick.


2013-02-14, 12:39
We have his EAGUID now, as soon as I get home I'll ban him (unless some other Staff member beats me to it).