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2013-02-03, 04:19
I dont know am i in the right place but i have to complain about 3 players wich has ruined my night also a lot of others.
Names are:

Those 3 guys are the reason im going to leave oman og3. I have my own life wich im living great and i cant wait for the suterday to play longer cos i work early morning every day except sundays. Tonight they have disgusted my life with teamkilling with pushing... insulting swearing baseraping every 15 seconds. Taking friendly jet puting C4 and hiting at me just to see me dead. Well this has passed all limits. I am very thankful for accepting me to be a member in your side but this is going nowhere. What kind of behaviour they have you people have no idea. They are in the position to destroy your nervs like thay did to me tonight and a lot of other players.


2013-02-03, 11:46
Hi Nick'

First of all thank you for all those informations, it's important for us to keep quality on our servers.

Do you have screenshots, video, have you recorded something? It'll help us.


2013-02-03, 16:12
Yes my friend i did make the screenshots but i dont know what is wrong with my screenshots they are all black, no screen and its not the first time i dont know why. And about recording video i also dont know how, except i was thinking to make a video record with my iphone but its kinda silly for me cos im not a kid to do such a thing to make a video, but those 3 guys deserved to do that. It has left only one thing in the future : to do that if they keep doing the same. Today i`m calmed down but last night 2 hours in a row i was suffering from those guys couldnt even leave the US base from them from teamkilling .

Any suggestion how to give you a provmments ?

Thank you in advance!

2013-02-03, 17:06
Use a FRAPS program to take a screenshots in game. Since it is impossible to take them with a standard PrtSc button i use this program.

2013-02-03, 17:52
Ok i will, thanks bebe :)

2013-02-03, 18:08
Caveman posted a full licenced version of Fraps here in our forums


I can recommend using that :)

2013-02-03, 18:09
And about these 3 guys. Don't worry about them. I'm watching on 1 and 3.
And 2nd one is going to be banned i think. I always get a complaints on him.

2013-02-03, 18:55
the next time this happens, get on our teamspeak and ask one of the online OG members to get in the server and deal with it :)

Don't let some sad guys ruin your fun in our servers!

2013-02-03, 19:19
I will be checking the logs for language breaching on that night, for base raping I can't do anything if no evidence is presented.
Can't expect our admins/mods to be on-line 24/7 on our 3 servers. But you can always see on teamspeak if nobody can help you with it.

For the screenshots you take with print screen do this:

Go to my documents -> folder: BattlefieldPlay4free -> folder: screenshots
There you will find all your screenshots you take with the print screen button. 3rd party software is not needed for the game.

Sorry it happened but we can't be 24/7 on our 3 servers, next time come to our teamspeak our provide us with more evidence. :)

Regards, RPGforYOU

2013-02-03, 19:28
Go to my documents -> folder: BattlefieldPlay4free -> folder: screenshots
There you will find all your screenshots you take with the print screen button.

didn't work for me, don't know about others. my folder is empty)

P.S. Thanks to RPGforYOu "j-virus" is banned.

2013-02-03, 20:20
Thank you bebe i apprecite for your note. You will see that if you take care for couple of them your server will be pure and we will enjoy by playing without them. :)