View Full Version : Just a reminder why we play NC

2012-11-28, 14:36
Check this amazing video by the 666th Devil Dogs:


2012-11-28, 18:13
Enjoyed that vid. Great squadplay. Class diversirty, good communication, constant revives, etc. Too bad not many OG's are into Planetside 2 the way these guys are.

2012-11-28, 19:48
Really nice teamwork. Kinda reminds me a bit when used to play Project Reality, a mod BF2.

But how is that different when working as a team as Vanu or TR ?

Seriously I don't really see a very big difference between the factions. In my eyes each faction just gets one different tank, one plane and some weapons that barely differentiate from the opposing ones... That's it...

All the other stuff is the same except maybe for the ideology although anyone who has two brain cells should have realized by now Â*that none of the factions can really claim moral high ground in that "war" which in the end makes the lore meaningless and the whole "war" just one huge continental punch-up Â*:lol:

Besides this game IS "Pay 2 Win" and you can argue with me about it as much as you want but it's plagued by the same shit like every Play 4 Free title that it eventually becomes a game that should be called "Grinding MacGrind the Grindest: The Return of the Grind" as long as you don't want to spend money on it.

tl;dr What I'm saying is that ii's a good game but it could have been way better if it wasn't a free MMO... IMHO :D

2012-11-28, 22:34
Well, we're not living in some fairytaleland where awesome games are cmpletely free of charge. Instead of paying by buying the game you can pay for an XP boost and maybe a couple of weapon unlocks. Difference is you can try out the game for free first and decide later of you like it enough to spend some money on it and how much.

I like what they're trying to do with the game. As long as your PC can handle it you can play the game, including all the gamers that can't afford 100 euro for BF3 Premium. No battle is the same and it's truly large scale mayhem. It doesn't have the high quality feel to it that Battlefield 3 has but that's cool. I'm having fun with this for a couple of weeks for a very low price. Until Aftermath launches of course. Â*:wink:

2012-11-29, 08:02
Really nice teamwork. Kinda reminds me a bit when used to play Project Reality, a mod BF2.

But how is that different when working as a team as Vanu or TR ?

Seriously I don't really see a very big difference between the factions. In my eyes each faction just gets one different tank, one plane and some weapons that barely differentiate from the opposing ones... That's it...

All the other stuff is the same except maybe for the ideology although anyone who has two brain cells should have realized by now Â*that none of the factions can really claim moral high ground in that "war" which in the end makes the lore meaningless and the whole "war" just one huge continental punch-up Â*:lol:

Besides this game IS "Pay 2 Win" and you can argue with me about it as much as you want but it's plagued by the same shit like every Play 4 Free title that it eventually becomes a game that should be called "Grinding MacGrind the Grindest: The Return of the Grind" as long as you don't want to spend money on it.

tl;dr What I'm saying is that ii's a good game but it could have been way better if it wasn't a free MMO... IMHO :D

Its not pay to win. Guns you buy are sidegrades and provide no true advantage over default ones. And aside from that, everything is unlockable by certs. Some default guns are actually better than anything you can buy. And for the grind. You cannot buy upgrades / attachmetns etc with cash. Only with ingame points. Which means that essential stuff is a grind for all of us.

As for how its different from TR/VS
The 666th Devil Dogs are the largest outfit in both planetside 1 & Planetside 2. With the only Planetside member of the year. And being the only Outfit crowned Outfit of the Year. Closely involved with Techtests and Developement. These guys literally are the foundation for almost all big outfits.
And, they play NC.
Truely, there is no Vanu or Terran Outfit that matches them, Connery is totally NC dominated because of this Outfit :)
1000+ members go a long way ;)

2012-11-30, 14:53
Okay... but I hardly believe that none of the SC buy-able weapons are better than default... whatever...

What about vehicles ? Let's say I wanna fly a plane (or helicopter ? what is it exactly ? VTOL ?) and the guy chasing me has bought rockets for 700 SC and I haven't because I don't wanna grind for freaking 1000 cert points. Balance = 404 not found.

This game definitely needs work and by judging by this news post (http://www.vg247.com/2012/11/30/planetside-2-soe-details-its-3-year-plan-wants-to-run-until-2025-if-possible/) they have some good stuff planned so maybe PS2 becomes more enjoyable for people who don't want spend a fortune on it.

2012-11-30, 17:12
Hehe, that's some crazy stuff they're planning. But no harm in being ambitious I guess.

2012-12-01, 17:55
im having fun :)

infact in last nights FNO they restated that certs will not be made available to buy, Â*Apart from some non gameplay items like camos, hubcaps xp boost etc, SC only buys weapons which are all available for certs too. This was because they want everyone to be invested in their character and have a level playing field rich or poor (as weapons are only a small part of the certs needed).

As for weapon stats, ive reverted back to the defaults from the premium weapons i had unlocked with Alpha squad, the TTK is mostly less on these sidegrade guns, which is confusing because its presented in a best>better>default kind of way. Same with vehicle weapons, some are just pants, but others are actual upgrades.

Buying a 700SC pod just shortcuts time thats all, pay2win is where real money gets you stronger items than grinding can ever do (or the credit rate is so harsh it takes a seriously long time). Assuming a fairly normal rate of 50Cert/hour thats only 20 hours to buy rocket pods @1000 cert.

Try going to Battlefield Play4Free, a true pay2win game, perming a main weapon of a similar tier costs 90,000 credits, and at a rate of ~282 per hour without boosts thats 319h grind! :)

2012-12-02, 17:55
50 Certs/hour ?! Geez, how's that even possible ?! ÂÂ*8O ÂÂ*I was playing TR on Lithcorp yesterday and we were steamrolling everyone, taking base after base for over 2 hours and yet I barely manged to scrape 50 certs together... I guess it's not pay2win then but I just suck to much at this game ÂÂ*:(

2012-12-02, 20:18
50 Certs/hour ?! Geez, how's that even possible ?! Â*8O Â*I was playing TR on Lithcorp yesterday and we were steamrolling everyone, taking base after base for over 2 hours and yet I barely manged to scrape 50 certs together... I guess it's not pay2win then but I just suck to much at this game Â*:(

I average about 80 an hour now. Playing with my reaver/ squad

Bit less, bit more, depends really. I can get 120/h with reaver on very good day
But 50-60 is pretty good average.
Playing medic can get you more.

2012-12-05, 15:23
oh ive certainly earned less than 50/h, and do, sometimes its just a slow day, yesterday had a ton of luck in the sundy spearheadding a zerg, kerching kerching came the spawn points, but ended up last night navigating tight relief lines in and out of burns doing a huge tactical flank all the way down the edge to frostfall(esa) just to see my team zerg up and steamroll the VS zerg and take the base. Even tho my flank did reach the opposite side of the base it took about half an hour away from scoring and i wasnt even close enough to get the flag cap and everyone spawned with the zerg sunderers so not even any spawn scores :/

That was after being noob killed by the same VS zerg on the previous life (they only saw us because my stupid gunner started firing on 2 of the lightnings, derp!) I was only thinking of the millions of points id get from the sundy by being the only one out there again ... situation didnt happen that time.

Overall I find point scoring like the above, completely situational. I like to fly A2A but despite the crys of OP air, its a really slow way of gaining certs, rocket podding is much more lucrative for some, i just find them meh boring compared to the thrill of a dogfight, and again its situational, when penned close to your gate where you know theres a zerg against you is great for podding...bimbling about trying to find a battle when its quiet can be low cert/h too.

Even with medic, again situational, long assaults/defences where your team has the upper hand seem to be best for medic points, have to be ultra campy and know exactly where the line of attack is at any second, cuz u need to be just behind it at all times to not take fire yourself to concentrate on mopping up actions. However they do have the straightest shooting guns imo, on TR that is, theres no side recoil only up, most other guns use a diagonal recoil pattern creating 2 planes of correction to keep on target and having only vertical reduces that to only 1 plane allowing far more accurate distance shots or burst correction (or in plain language, I find it far easier to pull down when firing).

Finally, liberators can be great, I got the vehicle weapon pack which had the zephyr in it and paired up with someone else, both good pilots and armed libs, took it in turns flying, so timers cooled down, made tons of points but sadly its hard to find randoms to team with like that, best if you know them and are in TS together since communication is very important. No time to type scythe on tail lol and keeping the pilot informed of what ur doing on ground scores the points (as in, all quiet dont stay, or three tangos so he knows what kinda time itll be, or relocate, too many friendlies etc).

2012-12-05, 17:15
I like to fly A2A

i just find them meh boring compared to the thrill of a dogfight,

I hope you don't mean A2A missles. Since the word Dogfight and A2A missles dont belong in one sentence.
Flying behind somebody shooting 2 of those Isn't what I call a dogfight.

I myself use pods, since I rape other ESF with those aswell If I can position myself well enough.
I use to Anti Air Nosecannon for most my dogfights.
I learned to deal with A2A missle whores, running from them will get you killed. You just need to do the reverse flying maneuver , and blast them in the face. Since they will be following you and having their A2A equipped they cant shoot back.

As for Certs in general. I have no issues getting a decent amount in any play session. But , most important part is to have fun anyway. No point in playing a game just to unlock non existant stuff. Gotta have fun while playing

2012-12-06, 04:03
i fly stick and its messed up atm, theyve not finished debugging controllers i think, an enforced deadzone of about 40% means aiming with the nose cannon is like sailing a boat in a storm, my time will come, ive flown since the sinclair spectrum and everyone says im an awesome pilot in BFP4F (which is almost all gun in a dogfight, ask RPGforYOU what im like in a jet :D:D) but until they fix the joysticks overall then ill just noob around use a mix of a2a and rotary. Chases start far away and many just boost and go on lock so ill just lazy follow, keep tagging with missiles and usually thats them done, but as soon as they want to dance up close then huge deadzone doesnt matter as much, fine aim isnt an issue so bang bang with the rotary, slide a few clips in their face :)

cqb dogfights can be fun, sometimes end up face to face with another pilot, firing away at each other :D

ive got all the buttons mapped, takes fraction of a second to switch main to secondary weap, not even that maybe, i use the same button so no thinking needed really, its just this pita deadzone. I can fly keyboard but im clumsy with it, with a stick i seem to shine, at least in other games.

yeah that reverse manoeuvre looked cool, i saw on youtube and practised at the gate, i did it a few times, just to say i did it but you actually use it in a df? lol, perhaps i should practice it some more.

oh and agree with the fun, a2a really is a poor cert gain, so many bailers too, but i just have to fly so it doesnt matter, fun is where its at .. well, when they fix the darn stick itll be more like fun, again, maybe keyboard might be better, but with a stick it just feels so natural, so thats how i fly, worse or not i dont care, sticks feel fun to fly jets with :)