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View Full Version : Atxrhino ban

2012-10-29, 06:39
Hey guys i was playing on the #7 metro server when i was banned for "attacking enemy base". What had happened is i had captured C base and was defending it. There was no one else from my team at C they were taking over b, so i was running around killing every one trying to come to C base. I could hear footsteps so i ran to them to get the kill and after like 4 or 5 kills i was banned. Any way i can get this ban lifted? Thanks

2012-10-29, 14:23
Its most likely only a temporary bann, you should be unbanned by now. They only last 60 minutes.

I was not the admin that banned you. But we are very strict on our baseraping rules. type !rules ingame for a list.
Detailed information on how we imply baserape on metro can be found here:
Baserape on Operation Metro (http://www.oldguys.eu/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=4630)

2012-10-29, 22:58
yea it was temp didnt know that. and i read the whole thing about base rape and there was 1 or 2 kills that could have been considered it but any way thanks for the info and and every thing.