View Full Version : 1_Dark_Neo

2012-09-16, 10:04
He was accused couple times for cheating on server 7. Check his stats and didn't pay attention on this thing:


Not sure what to do with him?

2012-09-16, 12:29
Well .... it's impossible to go up so fast with KD in 1 day .... i know .. it took me half a year mate, so i think he did use a hack, maybe he switches it on and of .. let him get investigated by EA ... "possible cheater"

2012-09-16, 12:37
Looks like he has had a stats wipe other names used iEG_Velozity, VEL0ZITY, znakez0r91.

http://history.anticheatinc.com (http://history.anticheatinc.com/bf3/index.php?searchtype=2&searchlimit=1&searchvalue=ca0b88a5c30af6d2c341fadcdaa4f0fa)

2012-09-16, 18:34
He made roughly 300-400 kills and 100 deaths in 1-2 days. It is possible ( M320 hardcore metro, do 103-2 in a round or such) but it seems unlikely.