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View Full Version : hack accusations

2012-08-02, 22:57
entire evening guy with 400+ hack accusations told me that Im hacker, aimbot etc and according to our rules (http://oldguys.eu/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=4332) he was kicked.

and after it:



Maybe we should ban people with over 200-300 hack accusations? Warning after 150 and then ban.

I took a jet and it is really annoying to hear from all sides "hacker", "aimbot", "cheater".
I can understand somebody call other people hackers.. but not 400+ times! :?
And after all somebody told me, that truth hurts.. heh.. :oops:

2012-08-03, 06:05
and this Babbi11 guy would also get 3 kicks from me (translation of what he says in german: RPG whores)

2012-08-04, 06:56
ah Thyriad, yes ive seen him, he is a mouthy noob, i just tell them to stop making hackusations cuz it spoils the ambience :D

seriously just kick him out if he goes on too much, im quite tolerant of people calling me hacker but it becomes boring fast if they just keep on and on, its not fun for you and whoever is doing the whining isnt happy either, probably would enjoy a different server more, help them find it :D

2012-08-04, 11:26
Yeh, I mean if they insist on calling you hacker or cheater.
You can just kick em out ...

But you know don't overdo it when one calls you it once!
I guess you know where I'm going to with the tolerance for it! ;)

2012-08-04, 12:45
naturally i don't get mad when they call me hacker once or two-three-four times.
im just like "oh stop it you" meme.

but not 30 times per game :roll:

2013-03-02, 10:42
I've started picking up hackusations on the OG servers, not many admittedly but a few, I don't know whether I should take it as a compliment that I'm p*ssing people off by being "better" than them or worried that its going to get me banned.

2013-03-02, 11:38
I very much doubt OG would ban only because a player gets accused a lot, since without some actual proof that would not be reasonable nor fair.

For now I say just take it as a compliment, and if it happens excessively in a session, you can always jump into Teamspeak and ask one of the (full) members to have a look at the server or a specific person to determine if someone deserves a warning.

You could also always try a votekick by the way. Often other players will be fed up with a hackusator as well and will support the votekick.

Have fun!

2013-03-02, 16:29
Cheers for the info!

2013-03-02, 16:33
Nothing formal, just my interpretation of the OG rules, but I assume it is correct!
I am still on trial myself :wink:

BTW, looking at your age: already thought of joining?

2013-03-02, 17:23
Thought about it but I don't use a headset so I'm not eligible.

BTW, looking at your age: already thought of joining?