View Full Version : PBBans status - Info

2012-07-27, 02:57
As many of you have probably heard - pbbans and metabans have been under a heavy ddos attack for several days now... what many may not realize is that it is not only the website that is being hit but also the hub - so any servers that don't have a backup copy of the mbi are going to be prone to cheaters for a little while.

There current datacenter and host have requested they move - they have already found a new datacenter that will provide better security for them, but it will be several days before they can finalize the migration.

Here is a clip of a conversation I had on irc with them about it to confirm the situation.

[17:40] == Tenfps [webchat@c-67-188-155-116.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #pbbans
[17:40] == mode/#pbbans [+v Tenfps] by Q
[17:41] == Kite [~dothackou@hackAzureKite.users.quakenet.org] has joined #pbbans
[17:41] == mode/#pbbans [+o Kite] by Q
[17:41] == mode/#pbbans [+v Kite] by fozzer
[17:43] <Tenfps> Question: Will there be heightened issues with cheating/hackers while the site and hub are being moved to the new datacenter? I'm not quite clear on the relationship between EB and Pbbans in relation to Battlefield 3
[17:45] <Mags> EB's standard for most violations is a 2 minute kick
[17:45] <Mags> we turn those into permanent bans
[17:46] <Mags> so, yes there will be some difference for servers normally streaming to us if they did not have a back up copy of the MBi
[17:47] <Tenfps> ... well, then I hope your move is fast and smooth. =)
[17:48] <Mags> from your KB to Thor's ears

So, keep a close watch - the asshats are going to be out in force for a while. lol

2012-07-27, 07:30
Well, to be honest ....PB is not working so good. last night i was banned for 2 minutes by PB :)