View Full Version : votekick

2012-07-12, 11:47

can you shut down the votekick @ server 4 oman 24/7,because little childeren ÂÂ*use it to kick players.
and they do nothing wrong @ the server,this is not fair to those players.

ill hope you will shut the votekick off

greetz bavaria12

2012-07-12, 12:09

can you shut down the votekick @ server 4 oman 24/7,because little childeren Â*use it to kick players.
and they do nothing wrong @ the server,this is not fair to those players.

ill hope you will shut the votekick off

greetz bavaria12

sorry to hear you had problems with the idiots, i see both of them have left now - mostly the votekick works correctly, will keep an eye on those two, please dont hesitate to come back if you get any more problems

thanks for letting us know