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View Full Version : ELECTricllama

2012-07-12, 06:44
Hi all. I was playing on metro #7 with this person and just wondered if someone could look into him. Someone was complaining that he shot them through the floor (did not see it happen so can't say anything there). But what i did experience was sitting on the rails at the bottom of the escalator closest to A with my m240b the bi pod out, there were multiple times he would come down the escalator and i would start shooting him and get 3-4 hit markers and then i would die in 1-2 shots and it would show him at 100% health. This happened multiple times and when i said something to him his response was that the g3a3 does 34 dmg, which is fine but doesn't explain him not loosing health when i was shooting him. I kept checking my ping and i was at 34-50 ping the whole match so i don't think it was lag and it wasn't happening with anyone else, but i'm not sure that's why i'm asking someone who knows better to check it out. Thanks.

2012-07-12, 09:42
Hm .... have checked his stats. Nothing special, all regular.


Any one have noticed something suspicious in stats?