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View Full Version : Scripts dont work

2012-06-28, 09:55
The votekick script wont work on OG2 half the time, due to which everyday in the morning we have OG2 filled with rulebreakers who pay no heed to our warnings

Also in the morning there are no admins ÂÂ*:(

Just today these two guys were openly breaking rules and were using abusive language


Admins plz fix this problem and maybe ban those 2 jerks

2012-06-28, 11:18
it is absolutely terrible to play in the morning these days because half of the players are glitching and/or using forbidden weapons/boosters
and because we can not ban the work is useless...kicking players for 3,4 or 5 times is normal these days....i can just wait for RPG or EA to do their job...sorry

2012-06-28, 12:30
It is truly just carrying water to the ocean. No point.
People come back and notice we can not ban anyone, so they just dont give a fuck.
Many many many games I just sit and not play, and I am really busy kicking everybody out.

2012-06-28, 13:49
I have solved the issue I think... :P
Use !b should work now. Had to adjust some stuff to make it work.
And I think it should work now! :P

2012-06-28, 19:01
Nice, I was just trolling anyhow! <3

Let me try this stuff out!

2012-12-10, 20:58
Hi guys, I am the admin server [B] KoHTakTe (vkontakte), often playing on the server og2, please help to find a script to votekick!