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View Full Version : New P4F Challenge #820 from BialyDG

2012-06-27, 15:18
You have a new P4F Challenge
From User BialyDG

Question: Clan name
Response: OffensiveClan

Question: Clan tag
Response: OffensiveClan PL

Question: Your Nick name
Response: BialyDG

Question: Xfire name

Question: Other contact
www.offensiveclan.pl/ pawlb96@interia.pl

Question: Date to play the war
Response: 7.07.12

Question: Time europe
Response: 20:00

Question: Game server?
Response: Old Guys server

Question: Your map ?
Response: Sharqi

Question: Howe many players
Response: 6 on 6

Question: Rules to play?
NO Booster, No vehicles, No shotgun

2012-06-29, 12:05
we are not taking on any scrims at this moment.