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View Full Version : kicked for no reason

2012-06-24, 22:56

I was playing on the Metro only ÂÂ*#4 server. The first time I got kicked for shooting someone in their base. Fine I accept that.

But the second time I got kicked for no reason.

Can someone explain to me why? What did I do wrong that time?

I like the server and it has active admins but Id like to know what I did wrong, thats all.


it was this game http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/battlereport/show/35838914/1/589837374/

We just made a great comeback and were playing really well when I got kicked out of the blue.

2012-06-24, 23:35
This could possibly due to our aggresive join list.

Its basically this:
All [OG] and [og] member are on the reserved slot list of our server. When normal players , or premium player try to join, they will be put in the Que. The reserved slot list will do the following: It will kick a totally random player from the server if a Â*member that is on the list enters the que, granting him instant acces to the server.

Now this "Kick" will be given without any reason. I do not believe its currently possible to put a reason in there. Which is quite unfortunate.

I believe you've been kicked by this, but since i was not there i can't know for sure. I'm sure that if you where kicked by any of our admins they will reply in here :)

Hope this clears something up for you Â*:wink:

2012-06-25, 00:29
IF that happened that`s kinda messed up. Why not kick the last joiner or something not the guy on top of the scoreboard.

just saying, lol.

2012-06-25, 07:11
What to tell you :) We don't like it also as you can't decide who to kick and to place message why player got kicked. Most of people which play long enough know about this problem.

2012-06-25, 13:38
ok thanks for clarifying then. It's the first time it happened to me.

I still like the server though :D

2012-06-25, 13:42
Have you ever thought about joining OG so you don't get kicked in future :)