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2012-06-15, 10:54
I am not able to join/move to any of the rooms i get the "insufficient permissions" notification, Everything was working fine until i was put in to the Trial Server Group.

Can someone check this out for me below is what it is giving me in TS

<10> Â*insufficient client permissions (failed on i_client_max_channel_subscriptions)
<10> Â*insufficient client permissions (failed on b_channel_join_permanent)
<10> Â*insufficient client permissions (failed on b_channel_join_permanent)

Seems like there is a wrong permissions value?

2012-06-15, 13:09
Fixing it now!

2012-06-15, 23:23
Aaaah peasant limitations, Buying Premiumâ„¢ should solve this issue.

(sorry ÂÂ*couldnt resist :) )

2012-06-16, 00:21

2012-06-16, 08:55
Ok you've lost me... I have no idea what your referring too?

2012-07-28, 04:21
Hi guys just figured i would add it here rather than make i new thread but I am having the same problem now also.

2012-07-28, 11:15
You can't move between channels?

2012-07-28, 12:07
I have the exact same problem.

I was moved into the 'battlefield play4free' server group and now I can't switch channels. I also can't see people in the various channels while I know they are there (I can see them using the ts viewer on the main website)

Would be great if you guys could fix it so i can play with and get to know you guys!

update: ERROR gave me rights, everything is fine now!

2012-07-28, 23:58
Yes Vercetti when i log in it gives me the same error as the Op and it wont let me switch channels or see any other users online.

2012-07-29, 01:00
I'll sort it out tomorrow morning!

2012-07-29, 03:20
Ok. Thanks!

2012-08-30, 02:14
I can't even login. It gives me the error, can't resolve hostname

2012-09-18, 17:01
I haveing this shit now fix PLEASE !!

2012-09-18, 17:04
What error do you get Champ?
Can you also see which TS groups you are assigned to? This might explain something.

2012-09-18, 17:10
<18> ÂÂ*insufficient client permissions (failed on i_client_max_channel_subscriptions)

BF3, CaC and D3, Jimdijsktra says my member group is gone, i cant see who is on ts either

2012-09-18, 17:31
RPG saved the day, Thanks alot, Failcetti again was to slow to clean up his mess :P

2012-09-18, 17:31
Fixed champs issue.

2012-09-20, 00:23
i also got DC on TS for like every 30 min ? then i cant login for 10 min or so.

can someone look @ it ?

2012-09-20, 08:29
I'm looking at TS, can't see anything ÂÂ*:lol:
Some more info would be useful :)

2012-09-20, 12:24
I think I know what he meant. Sometimes the whole TS server just crashes, everyone gets disconnected and you can't join back for 20 minutes or so. Kinda annoying because one night like 2 weeks ago it crashed about 5 times within 2 hours and there were only about 10 people online... Â*:x

On the second thought this is perhaps not the problem Daro described...? Â*:?

2012-09-21, 07:42
yeah its different when it happens, iam getting new internet in 2-3 weeks BB> ADSL HELLO FIBER ^^.

maybe that will help :D

2012-09-23, 21:25
I have the same problem now: "insufficient permissions" notification.
Any solutions?

2012-09-23, 23:10
Yes ask a gameleader to provide you with OG member server group.
And then restart ts again. Should be solved then yeppr ;)