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View Full Version : Evenbalance blaming OldGuys(?)

2012-05-25, 08:57
For history, this is in response to the thread here:
"Gimme a clue on this ban" ÂÂ*-- ÂÂ*not sure why this thread was locked in the first place.

After a bit of a runaround at evenbalance, this is the reply I got from them:

"This is a local ban from that server. You need to contact the server admin to find out why you have been banned, and if that admin's server is part of a master ban list, who runs it.

Several large Master Ban Lists are frequently used by server admins. The main ones are:

Appeal: http://www.pbbans.com/appeal_ban.php

More MBL:
http://www.ggc-stream.com (GGC)
http://www.anticheatinc.com/ (ACI)
http://www.game-violations.org (G-V)
http://www.aaserveradmins.net (AASA)
http://airdaleops.com/ (AON)

An appeal-link will be shown in the output of your search."

2012-05-25, 18:56
I PMed runMFrun about this. Anything you guys can do?

2012-05-25, 20:37
This was on server 7, let me please check it again. Maybe there is a hidden thing in the database... don't know.

Gimme 1 hour

2012-05-25, 21:05
So let me get this straight:

You lead into the game, and then you get banned, or you can't even load up?


What is this?

????? ?????
?????????? 2.2
??????????: 4
???????: xXxAhrimaNxXx
?????????: 24.03.2012

Translates into:

new Files
autoclicker 2.2
Hits: 4
Posted by: xXxAhrimaNxXx
Posted: 03/24/2012

From the server punkbuster log:
[04.26.2012 00:06:11] New Connection (slot #32) [?] "xXxahrimanxXx" (seq 66028)
[04.26.2012 00:06:11] Player GUID Computed 53ca44b0c43266925e94c974a9b39c2a(-) (slot #32) xXxahrimanxXx

You are not on any banlist.

2012-05-25, 21:13
Playerlist 05-22-2012 02:27:48 PlayerJoin xXxahrimanxXx joined the server
Playerlist 05-22-2012 02:29:21 PlayerLeave xXxahrimanxXx left the server

FOUND IT!!!!!!

The ban was not on PBBans, GGC, our banlist (normal banlist.txt) or a plugin.

It was hidden in the pbbans.dat

removed it!

Have fun on the server again.

2012-05-26, 07:55

Cannot wait to get back in, been too long. Many thanx for your persistence.

2012-05-26, 08:03
No joy

Same kick:
"Game disconnected: you were kicked by PunkBuster. Stated reason: PunkBuster permanent ban issued on this Game Server for player 'xXxahrimanxXx' ... Prior Kick/Ban"

Tried running PBSetup again just to be sure.

Back to Evenbalance? Let me know what I can do.

2012-05-27, 00:53
Ah, the server has not been restarted since I lifted the ban.
I will restart it once it's empty, so you can enjoy playing on it again.

2012-05-27, 04:14
Many thanx once again

2012-05-31, 00:17
Was able to get in last night. The reboot appears to have been the solution.

Thanx again for all your efforts Vercetti.

2012-08-31, 18:49
Sorry it took do long xXxahrimanxXx.

2012-09-01, 00:03
lol Andrew, replying on a thread exactly 3 months later :)