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View Full Version : Gimme a clue on this ban

2012-05-05, 10:15
Just banned, why?

2012-05-05, 10:31
2012-04-26 09:56:47 xXxahrimanxXx And now some fag named Grenadeface in the red zone
2012-04-26 09:54:05 xXxahrimanxXx Now gaymores...
2012-04-26 09:51:58 xXxahrimanxXx BS on the dominant
2012-04-26 09:51:01 xXxahrimanxXx Fuck you Admin cunt

I banned you for admin abuse.

2012-05-05, 10:56
I see one comment about Admins in your "proof"

And what about your/Admin abuse of us/me?

We are supposed to just take your random abuse and not say anything?

And not to mention, I heard not one warning? Seriously?

2012-04-26 09:56:47 xXxahrimanxXx And now some fag named Grenadeface in the red zone
2012-04-26 09:54:05 xXxahrimanxXx Now gaymores...
2012-04-26 09:51:58 xXxahrimanxXx BS on the dominant
2012-04-26 09:51:01 xXxahrimanxXx Fuck you Admin cunt

I banned you for admin abuse.

2012-05-05, 11:10
I just looked a little closer at your "proof" -- I remember this night. Whoever the Admin was that night was randomly killing me. We were 3-capped and being base-raped, but the Admin was doing nothing about it (see my obviously frustrated comments). And then I was randomly killed several times by an Admin.

Please do justify this ban a little more fairly.

2012-04-26 09:56:47 xXxahrimanxXx And now some fag named Grenadeface in the red zone
2012-04-26 09:54:05 xXxahrimanxXx Now gaymores...
2012-04-26 09:51:58 xXxahrimanxXx BS on the dominant
2012-04-26 09:51:01 xXxahrimanxXx Fuck you Admin cunt

I banned you for admin abuse.

2012-05-05, 11:25
The ban is justified no question. I was the admin in the server.

Now you may appeal this ban, apologize and have a game leader unban you but you would first have to acknowledge your actions.

Our rules are spammed every 15 secs in that server. One of the rules is no baserape. If your team is baseraping your team will be nuked. Your whole team dies. It does not affect your stats. Therefore if you like playing on our servers allow us to enforce our game play rules without being abusive. There is no conspiracy here. It's fun to push the other team not baserape.

After reviewing your chat log I notice you are a abusive player I would simply ask you to acknowledge your behavior and do something about it.

See here: http://bf3stats.oldguys.eu/playerchat.php?SoldierName=xXxahrimanxXx&page=1

You were not on the team getting camped when you were banned. While you may have had a stray in the red zone the majority of your team was on the other side of the map 3 capping and baseraping. Now I will admit you may have played a game earlier where you were 3 capped however there is not always an admin present unfortunately.

Here are the messages spammed every 15 secs.
>>> No baserape or you will be kicked/banned/team nuked.
>>> English only in chat. No SWEARING! or Slay/Kick/Ban.
>>> Visit: www.oldguys.eu - [OG] recruiting 18 yrs and over
>>> Teamspeak: ts.oldguys.eu:9988 ツ*pass = oldguys
>>> Check your stats at www.oldguys.eu/bf3stats
>>> Check out Old Guys Gaming #8 Damavand Peak - RUSH -24/7 ツ*search "old guys"
>>> Check out Old Guys Gaming #8 Damavand Peak - RUSH -24/7 ツ*search "old guys"
>>> No darts please, we keep full MySQL logs of events and will punish.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> WWW.OLDGUYS.EU <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

2012-05-05, 11:34
Um, wow. Seeing just my comments out of context and listed out like that, I would have to agree with you ... and it is quite eye-opening actually.

However, you did not acknowledge my complaint of the Admin not doing anything about the baserape _by the other team_ not mine. And the completely unjustified kills of me, _not_ nukes.

I was also killed off and transferred to the Russian Team tonight unjustifiably. Unless this, and the 4.26 Admin kills, are in the rules and I just do not know about them.

I do want the ban lifted because your servers attract some awesome players and I have a great time playing with them.

2012-05-05, 11:45
If the game play is unbalanced you may have been moved to the other team in an effort to balance game play.

2012-05-05, 11:50
That is my point, at least on the night of 4.26, I was not moved. We were 3-capped so obviously not baseraping. I was simply killed for no reason several times. Pretty frustrating to have a team just rape at will, and on top of that frustration to have an Admin kill you _several times_ for no reason.

At any rate, I would like the ban lifted.

If the game play is unbalanced you may have been moved to the other team in an effort to balance game play.

2012-05-05, 12:08
No. This was a game where I moved you to help balance out the game. Prior to you being moved your team was getting nuked you were US.
See here: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/battlereport/show/30959074/1/302480550/

In the hopes you would perform because in the prior game you performed well.
See here: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/battlereport/show/30956907/1/302480550/

Once you got moved from the winning team is when you lost control of yourself.

Until you acknowledge your actions your ban will not be lifted. You'll need a community leader or game leader to do it.

2012-05-05, 19:25
No. This was a game where I moved you to help balance out the game. Prior to you being moved your team was getting nuked you were US.
See here: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/battlereport/show/30959074/1/302480550/

Understood. And acknowledged. (But frustrating, and in retrospect I can go as far as saying challenging.) I hope you can understand and acknowledge my perception of Admin abuse based on my experience on 4.26, and subsequently my perception of Admin abuse last night (although I completely understand your actions).

In the hopes you would perform because in the prior game you performed well.
See here: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/battlereport/show/30956907/1/302480550/

Once you got moved from the winning team is when you lost control of yourself.

Understand your perspective, and acknowledged. But I disagree with your semantics. Not worth arguing however.

Until you acknowledge your actions your ban will not be lifted. You'll need a community leader or game leader to do it.

How do I get a community or game leader involved?

And also, I do appreciate your taking the time to hash this out.

2012-05-05, 20:14
Even if they decided to lift your ban it would not be instant it would most likely be a week minimum.

I'm sure a CL or GL will be along sometime today.

2012-05-05, 20:30
Are you sure your not just killed by the language filter?

2012-04-26 09:56:47 xXxahrimanxXx And now some fag named Grenadeface in the red zone
2012-04-26 09:54:05 xXxahrimanxXx Now gaymores...
2012-04-26 09:51:58 xXxahrimanxXx BS on the dominant
2012-04-26 09:51:01 xXxahrimanxXx Fuck you Admin cunt

Any swear word gets you auto killed by the language filter plugin. Which could be mistaken for an actual admin killing you.
First word gets you killed, you think its an admin, you get even more mad and swear more >> more kills etc?

I don't know, just something that came to my mind reading this.

2012-05-05, 21:24
I think you deserve your time off our servers.
We show players on our servers respect and they are here to have a good time.
Not here to be bullied around with those kind of words.

When u are in our servers and u have some truble with baserape or something just jump on our TS ask for a admin from BF3.
The admin will help you テつ*:D

About your ban lift I will have a chat with rest of the GL.

2012-05-06, 02:00
If it helps, I have no problem with a penalty ban. Again, seeing the comments listed out was a real eye-opener.

When u are in our servers and u have some truble with baserape or something just jump on our TS ask for a admin from BF3.
The admin will help you ツ*:D

Flugger, I was asking that night. Not sure if someone is willing, but I am sure that was captured and can be posted as well. At the least, you can see from what was posted that I hope the Admins saw what happened the night of 4.26

My frustration that night was exactly what I am being banned for -- breaking the rules. So from that it can be derived that I do have respect for rules.

About your ban lift I will have a chat with rest of the GL.

I appreciate it, and hope you can see your way to ツ*a second chance. Seems my comments were inflammatory enough to merit a no vote already. Duly noted, and the hope is I can turn that attitude about me around.

2012-05-07, 06:28
Hey Flugger, any news on that chat?

2012-05-07, 09:33
We will have a staff meeting Monday.

2012-05-09, 06:17
Any verdict?

2012-05-10, 04:32

PM: Vercetti, Flugger_NO, MI-Six, iNco782, HelloKitty

2012-05-10, 11:34
PM does テつ* not テつ*appear テつ*to テつ* be テつ*going テつ*through. Chatted with テつ*Vercetti briefly, but テつ*seemed テつ* to テつ*lose him....

2012-05-10, 12:27
I have removed your ban テつ*:D
Stay cool and frosty テつ*:wink:

2012-05-10, 17:31
Please note that frustration isnt a carte blanche to spill your beans in whatever manner you feel would best describe your feeling about that current situation. It's a 18+ game and we do expect people to behave like it. While it sure happens all of us to go offroad from time to time, doing it while addressing an admin is, and has allways been, a very effective way of shortening your game experience on that server, in any game.

2012-05-10, 18:17
Please note that frustration isnt a carte blanche to spill your beans in whatever manner you feel would best describe your feeling about that current situation. It's a 18+ game and we do expect people to behave like it. While it sure happens all of us to go offroad from time to time, doing it while addressing an admin is, and has allways been, a very effective way of shortening your game experience on that server, in any game.

We have like spoken to the dude テつ*:wink:

2012-05-10, 19:46
Thanx Flugger, and thanx also....

2012-05-10, 22:12
FYI, tried joining server #7 twice and Punkbuster kicked me. I will try later, maybe the ban lift has not filtered down to Punkbuster yet.

2012-05-10, 23:16
Strange u are off our list.

2012-05-10, 23:44
Update punkbuster, go to www.evenbalance.com for more help on that.

2012-05-11, 08:21
Update punkbuster, go to www.evenbalance.com for more help on that.

Ran pbsetup from the website テつ* (evenbalance.com is now being テつ*redirected). テつ*Battlelog still telling テつ*me that テつ*Punkbuster テつ*has a record of permanent ban on this server. I can get テつ*a screenshot if テつ*needed.

2012-05-11, 20:10
Punkbuster does not record individual game server bans that is your interpretation of what your seeing. If your getting kicked by punkbuster its a punkbuster issue we can not help you. You are not on our ban list. If you were on our ban list you wouldn't be able to get into the server at all. The fact that its punkbuster that is kicking you means it a punkbuster problem. You need to consult them.

See: http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=pbsetup.php

For any issues related to PBSetup, please communicate directly with our staff using our: web-based trouble-ticket system (http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/new_ticket.php?game=pbsetup)

Thread locked.