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View Full Version : tracerdart kill

2012-04-27, 06:23

2012-04-28, 14:03
nice! well done

thats one thing ive not done yet - well, i have, but it was an afk guy and I wanted to see how close to death he was after a non-boosted nade, so not a proper 'in battle' kill

2012-05-01, 12:34
wooow nice) i remember how u tryed to kill me with tracer dart :D

2012-05-14, 15:49
i like tracer kill's.. :lol:

2012-06-01, 10:28
That is epic, I've seen a couple of videos/screenshots with tracedart kills and I actually tried it a couple of times, never worked lol. Tracer does 1+ damage I think, you need to find the right opponent which can be frustrating.

What would be really awesome is a long range trace kill, that will definitely get you at least 6 hackusations ahaha.

2012-06-01, 15:44
i did a trace dart vehicle kill yesterday....now THAT is difficult ÂÂ*:lol: