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2012-03-10, 12:41
Hi Guys, I need to update you on some changes to how long I be logged in to the テつ*=OG= Maps.

Im very Honured to have been made the official Diplomatic officer For my family "Tiberian Reapers" In C&C Alliances. :D

However My commitment to =OG= remains the same, and will be updating my fee payment Monday 12th OH! wifes Birthday :P
I will still be supporting OG5, and im so glad people are enjoying it, and OG appreciates it being there.

My only Problem, will be the amount of time spent battling on OG.

Obviously, I have to keep records and alter, change status of our alliance to others, contact other alliances Diplomacy officers to discuss treaty's etc etc and update テつ*Players accordingly, which of course means be being online in C&C more time than= OG=, I can Minimise C&C while playing On OG server, but unfortunetly it creates Huge lag on my 2gig of memory, and ends with one or the other crashing.

Please rest assured I will be keeping team speak open, so Im open for a Poke or a cookie! lmho: :lol:

So if im not around as much テつ*as I was, dont worry, Im not going anywhere, and will still join in to kick RPG, Kollez and Orroze's butt, IF I EVER GET SO LUCKY テつ*THAT IS!! テつ*:lol:

regards Mike

2012-03-10, 22:28
C&C is a nice P4F game to be released..
I used to play tons of C&C Generals and dont get me started about the old school red alert. Fucking Epic!
Good to hear youll stay around!

2012-03-10, 23:01
yes I played red alert so many times, it was the classic in its day, but if it was online too, I never had the type of connection, or the cost of the computor to run it, I only had dial up for a long time, took a long time to get proper broadband service in my town, I also loved the generals and its expension pack, awesome iraqi type scenes, with those darn Suicide trucks that used to seek out parts of your base and blow it up haha, those were the days:)

I be about error, just need a little time, to look up history of my C&C faction history and its allies and enemys, but of course, new threats apear, just when you thought you would settle down, and make a brew, only to find other bases have been made overnight very close to our territory, and we have a few trigger happy guys, who were thinking of attacking an Israel Alliance member, they asked my opinion, and said no way, these few in this faction may be small, but what about the other israell factions?, As a race, I could see them all coming along wth cruise missiles \o/, and sending us packing. lol テつ*So I recomended no offensive against them, unless they happen to start on us. テつ*Thats the sort of Things I will be doing in C&C, テつ*and hope to welcome some of you, who missed out on the redeem code at a later time, when its fully open. maybe a TS channel may be made for it in time too:P


2012-03-10, 23:16
i know you are talking about me.... :roll:

2012-03-11, 04:01
1) I will say im glad you bought OG5 to us Taylor, i spend as much time on it as I do on 3 now. Thank you.

2) Let us know what you want the TS channel to be called, ill add it if someone else doesnt.

2012-03-11, 08:53
Yeh, I think a TS channel can be opened up for that game. ;)

2012-03-11, 14:16
nice words Taylor,and fair enough from you...

2012-04-13, 11:47
Hi Guys, I must apologise For not keeping up with Forums of late, テつ*seems theres also Changes in admin commands that I must look into.

St0mpy, Thanks for your comment about OG5, To be honest, I had my doubts, テつ*If I was doing the right thing, especially, Knowing wives, who said to me "You havent been playing that game your paying for", テつ*"You not paying it again are you, if you arent playing it"?

I try and explain, that although Im not always in it, I can not just stop paying it, because Its being played by up to 32 people every day,
Its not just a case of me not being there, Im supporting =OG= and we already have a very good reputation in BFP4F circles.

She thinks its hilarious though, when she heres Error.exe and RPG plus a few others on TS shouting abuse and chanting like deranged monkeys because they got killed テつ*:D

She says, "why do they Swear so much",? テつ* I just tell her, " They just Army Dogs, :twisted: テつ*in it for the money like the RDA in Avatar", so shes says, "Oh so you get paid them".?

Hmmm dear, think you should go back to Crocheting those baby things your making for your friend!

This テつ*is a long boring posting, so try be patient テつ*:roll:

The C&C Alliances are very popular, with new server due to be rollled out soon, think its server EU world 11.

Im in World 4 Europe.

To Cut long story short a bit, テつ*My original Alliance, went pear shaped, the Commander in Cheif went AWOL, and never came back.
In the end I got fed up with no command structure, and I had no status in it than member. テつ*So in an Insane move, I left it, saying
to the others, that wasnt a lot I could do to rally the others. テつ*My next insane move proved to be, not as insane As I thought, I decided, "Im going to make my own Bloody Alliance"? And See if anybody wants to join it from the other sinking one.

Its called テつ*RDA Reapers, and its based on The RDA, テつ*resuming mining (Avatar) Unobtanuim Crystals, for big profits. :)
At first, it didnt go to well. テつ*the next day, my old alliance thought I turned Enemy, so blew both of my darn bases up :evil:

But, in a short time, Once My friend B4loo decided to join me from old alliance things began to get better, I made A NAP with WWIII テつ* (None Agression Treaty) which was good, cos they were arch enemys.

I made B4loo officer, then we started getting requests from others wanting to join, and we had a purpose and better management, and we wanted to head north into the hostiles camp, being the forgotten bases.

At this time we have about 10 members, but they each have, including me 2 bases each, making 20 base compound, and now most of us have got Ion cannon support, we capable of even demolishing lvl 21 Bases.

But my first love , is always テつ*BFP4F maps, The vibrant OG community, and blowing up tanks!!

My last piece of rubbish, is about the new TS chat for C&C.

I have a question, Im not sure how to put:D テつ* テつ*I have several members who probaly would like to try out not only BFP4F maps, but maybe join =OG=. テつ* But, I really would like to get them into TS so I can speak to them, while we trying to fend of NIX and red templars alliance in C&C who keep squeeing us. テつ* Is it possible or ok for me to give the TS log in details to my alliance members, without them being actual =OG= members???

My thinking is, if they can log in to our TS server, and see all the other games we in, plus the OG Maps, company of heros, and BF3. テつ*of which one of my alliance members called MCterry, was my second in command, has said he wants to put more time into BF3, so I know he would be an ideal candidate for recruitment.

But for now, I would just like to know, if its legal within OG servers to issue the TS log in details to my C&C members so we can use the new TS channel. テつ*Im pretty sure, some, will be impressed how we run things, and may indeed, lead to some of them joining the ranks of OG gamers, plus, the players who I know work hard, and help out in C&C can have my vote, if they decide to put foreward a request.

please would one of you, tell me where I stand on this, as im eager to get them on TS テつ*C&C but not sure if they have to be OG members first.

"Son" "I look after my own", "You get me want I want", and I see you get Into =OG= gamers Community :lol:

in C&C my name is Zeroassault007 and our alliance is RDA Reapers.

Bye for now Guys


2012-04-13, 13:04
everybody is allowed to join the OG servers even if they are not members (see public TS link on www.oldguys.eu)...and you already have your C&C Alliances chat. So where is the problem?

2012-04-13, 15:08
Ah! well thank you Incredible, thats good news, my thinking was, that they, as members were supposed to donate towards costs of maintaining the TS, which made me think, they had to be members before they could use our log in details.

Ok, well, I see what I can do, I will also give the OG main page url in my daily bulletins, then they can browse the front page and see what we have to offer them テつ*:)

On the problem using C&C, for some strange reason, since one of my guys has gone on a long vacation テつ*(Lucky him) he asked me to look after his bases, so i am able to log into it, and do some work and move his bases along with ours, テつ*but for some very strange reason, as logged into his account, the flames, the harversters in the bases all apear Static, there not animating properly, the only time the units move , is if I launch a battle.

returning to my account, I have no such problem and all animations work, its wierd テつ*:?:

By the way, just made another donation, to be honest, I dont know when the fees are due, is there a time each month when they suppoed to be paid, like iD3 fee For OG5 is always between the 4-6th day of every month. テつ*Hope to catch up with you in BF and in C&C soon. by the way, my grpahic card is no great shakes, テつ*its an Nvidea 9500GT PCI テつ* which was 8 months ago, quite a good card, however, with releases like mass effect, and a lot of other new games coming out, really the 9500GT is pretty well underpowered, so I dont see why you cant play C&C.

if you could tell me exactly what the message your getting says, may be helpful. テつ*Also try find page on EA games, thats gives the minimum specs for running C&C. テつ* Firefox, as you probably know has many addons, these can be a headache, maybe look at those, and anything, that may even block C&C. テつ*have you got a tab, which sometimes pops up, saying block this, or this image. its easy to do, without knowing it.

hope this helps somewhat Incred:P

regards mike

2012-04-14, 09:33
Well if your fee will run out, you will hear it from me as a forum pm. :P
You don't have to pay monthly ... you can pay upfront as well. Then you have to worry less ...

I paid always 6 upfront :P


And, yeh you can use the C&C channel in our teamspeak.
As long as they behave in that channel, I see no problem! :P


And also couple old guys members started with C&C alliance, but we are all started in world 11!


And me shouting ? When? :P

2012-04-14, 11:08
Hi Guys, and hello RPG, must have a proper chat one day, we seem to pass each other on way to other destinations at present:P

Qoute: "For a quite Boy, you put on quite a show"

Did you say QUIET BOY! :)

Ok thanks for the replies on fees.

Now on to main bussiness:

I was asked By Incredible If I would possibly like to head up The C&C alliance for official OG gamer Alliance and oversee C&C within OG servers.

This I am happy to do, As I do have a lot of experiance in the field of this type of game, where alliances must fall or Bind together to survive, plus the interactive diplomatic part of C&C which is paramount to how any alliance is seen and respected, by others.

This is not at all like the BF maps, and of course, its not for all, and you need some patience & time to achieve a Kick ass base.

As it happens, today, I met up With MI-SIX on TS, テつ* who, informed me, that he has an alliance in server 11 as said above, its called Mi-SIX_OG.

We discussed a little of what we could achieve, and we in broad agreement, that if an official OG Gamers Alliance was made, we could be Allies with his Alliance as soon as the Alliance was formed.

First, I would like members to think of an inspiring name for the new OG Alliance. テつ*Im playing with some names fro the group, and will put them foreward on a Seperate C&C Thread later today.
Second we need a dedicated forum within OG web page, like we have now, to post comments, help issues, How to guides, which I can contribute too. テつ*I Would be happy to moderate it if you so wish.
Third, once I build the first new base to start us off, I would need A second in command, and at least an officer, to help handle diplomatic relations, invite or warn, kick players for causing Issues with other alliances. etc etc. テつ*obviously these positions would be only open to guys with some experiance already in the field.

Any other comments, ideas, please post em テつ*:!:

regards T-Nova

2012-04-14, 14:48
Please see new thread for C&C I made.

"The Birth of OG C&C Alliance"