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View Full Version : KONY 2012

2012-03-07, 11:58
Ohai guys!

Please watch this video and share it. Or even help by donating, but that's on you. I only force you to share it ;)


2012-03-16, 01:13
VERY POWERFUL!!!!!!!!!! we will donate tonite!!

2012-03-16, 18:15
The cause may be good - but always be wary of charity organisations where you don't know how and why they operate.

It may very well be that they're well-intented, and even completely honest and effective as they can be. But at least ask yourself if it's wise to donate money and effort based solely on an emotionally manipulative, viral video about a cause "everyone can agree on".




2012-04-10, 06:52
I don't believe in humanity and its humanitarian work. Last time i was involved in "humanitarian" action in 1999 when my country got bombed for "humanitarian" reason. ÂÂ*After that i don't believe a single word of people who try to ÂÂ*"help" with out full report where is written on what and why money i will give are spent.

2012-04-10, 13:51
Sadly this sort of thing goes on just about everywhere in those kinds of countries, not interested in any of it, just another way of getting our money like those adverts on TV that ask you to pay £2 so you can help little jimmy get to the well and collect water faster or something.