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View Full Version : Boosted Mortars

2012-01-10, 10:25
Please do something with this boosted mortar strickers on the BF P4F server, they are more and more everyday. Implement a virtual Admin instead of a phisycal person too ban anyone who uses boosted mortar stricks or the bug with the defibrilator if it's posible. Please pardon my english.

Thank you.

2012-01-10, 11:26
Implement a virtual Admin
If that was possible we already did that! ;)
But it isn't possible ... so the only way to control it is with man power!

bug with the defibrillator if it's possible
If you see someone doing it! Come to our Teamspeak channel! ;)
So we can check and ban him of our servers.

We are no machines, but we do try our best! ;)

Also before making complaint check the read me first! ;)

2012-01-16, 09:59
As prompted by Senior members to me, on my question, "If you think Boosted MS are being used" , Quickest way is, in fact team speak, unless there happens to be a mod /admin who is playing.

Just Poke known Senior Leader / admin, anywhere in teamspeak, and just do a little poke and reason, so he / she can go in and make a judgement.

I also noted a really offensive remark to another player, "you **** N-word racist censored". ツ* ツ*

As a Full member of OG now, that kind of remark will get you on a ツ*complaint report, If i'm Playing, which ツ*may lead to a possible ban if it happens again :x

regards ツ*mike

2012-01-16, 15:55
I love how you roll Mike!

2012-01-20, 12:15
Oh! Thanks Vercetti テつ*:)

Still a Bit green round the edges, as I was a bit out of my depth yesterday, when got called in to OG1, by a player on TS, who asked me to look into B Ms's being used. テつ* テつ* テつ*Where I was greeted with mayhem 8O

Dont want to name anybody, but seems one on each side, were trying to outdo each other, テつ*after finding a hilltop, I did see A MS which was deff at least 12 Strikes raining down. The main culprit I deduced, was because he had a way off kill ratio テつ*35/5.
Unfortunetly being my first Action, I was confronted by many people asking me to take action, but the person I gave a a warning too, said he was innocent, and being new, テつ*thought he would further confuse me by saying, I dont know nought, we can use anything here :x

My attempt to kick him, didnt work, Its a strange game to try and moderate, it doesnt say " You have Kicked So and So", neither can you go Non combat to do mod or admin work. テつ*Also While typing messages in the T square box, If you want to look at the leader board at the same time, you cant, as it deletes the T window, and you have to retype what you were saying.

It really needs a structure whereby, like in the Second lfe urban combat groups, A special dashboard for officers and admins, allows you to change your status to NON combat, which appears above your head, if was , for instance OG, then it would show, テつ* " OG Admin OOC. テつ*(Out of Charactor)

You can not be damaged while none combat, and thats so you can do your work without being shot at, indeed, its a serious offence to shoot an Admin or Mentor, while wearing the OOC tag, A ban for up to 7 days is almost mandatory.

I found it very frustrating, to be a target still, and be killed while trying to do a job which needs you to be concentrated on while doing it.

I dont see the point of having real Mods in game, when there given no protection. テつ*Better For テつ*EA or even OG it were possible to テつ*put something into the game that detects a boosted MS and auto ejetcs that player. Even better and easier, just to remove the Booster altogether from the boost store really.

The lack of a proper IM system within game is also frustating, I would rather go OOC and have a private chat with the accuser and offender, to make a decision, without being distracted by players still shooting me, and being killed by the MS as well テつ*8O

Anyway, At least the presence of テつ*a mod in the game, When joining said server and personally inputting a message to all, that theres someone monitoring players actions, and of course the mandatory info no ms and griefing, and of course, "enjoy the game guys" goes some way to give players some sense, there not on there own, and maybe majority of offenders will think twice before commiting any antisocial or rule breaking.

If any Admin, or Senior leader has any other pertinent Answers and Tips, please do send me a PM here or a chat in TS.


2012-01-20, 12:22
Oh sorry, But is there a way of printscreen a shot within game in windows 7 without having to use the Windows Snipping tool, as you probably know Win7 Does not support the key command Printscreen any longer


2012-01-21, 09:19
I really don't care much about getting damage.

I mostly enter the kick pretty quickly in the chat box before I come into combat.
And then again I don't really care if I get killed while typing kick... just annoying because of the dead delay, it jams a bit but that's all.

2012-01-24, 06:21
kick for the offence, rather than get bogged down by the people taylor, if you let them theyll whine you ragged and youll end up pissed off with having to deal with them and wasted game time too

i tend to keep it quiet, get on with my game, then pounce when theyre bang to rights - a warning often fires back on you since you then have to trail around watching them, take abuse, have them start to push your buttons and bicker or skirt around the edges of whatever rule youre trying to enforce. However a swift kick for something you saw directly yourself (for something deliberate theyve done to disrupt the game, not just being a noob) focusses their attention far better.

Let them rejoin after, a kick is not a ban and after all if theyre bored of their evening and are being disruptive, kicking them often frees the slot for another to join that does want to play properly.

Some may say a swift kick with no warning is harsh, but its only for people that deliberately affect or disrupt another persons game, since they dont warn anyone before they fire them off the boat or pushkill them with the AA (for instance). Otherwise for the warnings that do have to be given, do it via adminsay/modsay so they get the warning but you dont get the server people focussing on you when you do it in chat.

Suspicions arent enough, its frustrating sometimes thinking they might be a hacker but you cant prove it, but if theres no trace in the screenshots and no other admin around then note their name for later and leave them be. Kicking for suspicions alone will fire back on you sooner or later.

Lastly never kick for being a noob and always give a proper reason in the comms for the kick, they might be assholes but they deserve to know what kind of assholery got them ejected. That way you can stand by your decisions as well as have a record weeks later when they come onsite whinging about it.

2012-01-24, 21:23
Yesterday I have been playing on Combat server. It was raining down with Morter boosters.
I kicked all that I could find, and maybe I have kicked a few to many, but after 15 minutes kicking them again and again (some just come back and seem to have memory lost) is got quit and we could all play normally.
I must say I do not see it a lot on Oman, but whenever I go to Combat I really see it a lot.

ON MY MARK.....................UNLEASH HELL!!! :twisted:

Russian Destroyer

2012-01-25, 14:02
Yeh cause it got more effect in our combat server. ;)

2012-01-27, 13:11
Thanks テつ*for the tips St0mpy, being mod in here, is going to take me a little time to get used too, Im so used To giving the 3 mandatory Warnings in Second life before Kicking anybody, unless its テつ*a deliberate griefing offence.

real Noobs, I always give leeway, but again, I dont have there Stats I can call on in game, to see wether they 7 days old or 3 months in game. テつ*Which is why I would like to see a proper Admin/mod dashboard in all servers. テつ*Also There should be list on each server that only an admin mod can bring up, showing whos been troublemaking in the past. So many of the names are hard to remember, as some have wierd spelling :?

Im obviously still learning, Im sure I will get more confident as time goes on.

As Russion was saying, the most problems seem to be in the close quarters Scenes, At least, with toned down Bst MS and the RPG, perhaps this will reduce the annoyance and the need to Monitor it more than is neccessary.

Cheers mike :)

2012-01-28, 02:23
noob is what noob does

even a lvl20 can be a noob in things, eg if someones trying to fly a chopper and lands heads down on the carrier wiping out some team8s then thats just a noob, but if they use the same chopper to sweep people off or obstruct planes then kick for runway griefing and work it out when they come back in

as i said a kick is just a kick, but its for you to decide your own balance if you want to give people more leeway - its a fine line between admins having to do a pile of paperwork for every action, and admins being able to play and have fun like everyone, and just spend a few minutes dealing with the assholes that every game gets

The majority are attention seekers, and by putting yourself out with warnings which they will ignore youre just giving them what they want, attention - if you get known to be an admin that kicks for the offence without bathing them in said attention, then i can guarantee you on later days they wont be so griefy.

2012-01-30, 16:30
Ah. The deffination of Noob to me, is a new player, who makes mistakes while learning, but see your point, luckily I believe I have the exp from other platforms, to tell the diff between テつ*a noob crashing and A griefing noob, so to speak.

yes, I do know admins have paperwork, I used too, but much more than in here, cos you had to deal with Land abuse, Camping, late payers of tier, plus disputes between players, and abusive IMs, which were Not OOC. Not only that, But weekly Meetings around a Virtual table, to here and Vote on new or altered policys, テつ* テつ*meant very few admins hardly played any combat, too busy taking tickets to answer. :x

If the request I asked about, (uk/EU vehicle server) gets Permission to start up, then, I probably be admin anyway, I think, テつ* which I believe, Most people know, you don't F*** with an admin. テつ* But I always fair, and, even if it sounds soft, banning is a last resort, in my book if no other action taken, テつ* makes the offender sit up and take notice.

As for attention seekers, I think they just immature, and want to stir up a confrontation.

But, Don't worry, Got the general message now in BF how Mods and admins work here.

But A****Hs テつ*will get short Thrift from me, I be happy to help, take some of the load of ya backs at times, Just within テつ*BFP4F テつ*of course.

Thanks for reply St0 テつ*:)

2012-02-11, 01:48
sometime i テつ*wish someone calling noob its a enough for a ban after 1 time!

im thinking to rent a server just of this!
no usas nonoob calling and just sharqi!

2012-02-11, 02:50
sometime i ツ*wish someone calling noob its a enough for a ban after 1 time!

im thinking to rent a server just of this!
no usas nonoob calling and just sharqi!

Kinda hard to enforce that rule 24/7 ...