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2011-12-21, 20:56
Don't forget to

http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/374309_295790457129957_100000970158657_842188_7519 02067_n.jpg

2011-12-21, 21:01
I don''t need a big orange marker to tell me if someone is my enemy because I'm HARDCORE!!

FYI apologies in advance for teamkilling ÂÂ*:lol:

2011-12-21, 21:44
I won't forget now :P.

2011-12-21, 22:13
Who is SPOT again?. ÂÂ* :lol:

2011-12-21, 23:11
You cant be serious !!!! I cant spot them, then someone else kills them, that would make me loose confidence and distract my mindset

2011-12-21, 23:55
You cant be serious !!!! I cant spot them, then someone else kills them, that would make me loose confidence and distract my mindset


2011-12-22, 09:40
So true!

2011-12-22, 16:33
It's funny how many people complained that spotting in BC2 was like legal wallhack and now they complain that nobody spots... It never ends...

2011-12-22, 16:39
It's funny how many people complained that spotting in BC2 was like legal wallhack and now they complain that nobody spots... It never ends...

You don't see them through walls like you did in bc2.

2011-12-22, 20:11
I know and I'm grateful for it but it's not the point... It just seems that people never stop complaining about everything...

2011-12-23, 08:46
most people dont even look at the minimap ÂÂ*so they kinda fail at enemys who are spoted by others