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2011-12-06, 23:27

Server #2 Rush should have all maps in the map rotation.

The following maps are missing:

Caspian Border
Tehran Highway
Kharg Island
Noshahr Canals

I'm not completely sure why these aren't in already.
There was some lag issues with Tehran Highway and Caspian Border when BF3 just released. I'm assuming Kharg and Noshahr is out for the same reason.

Why should these be added?

Diversity, more fun.

Why shouldn't these be added?

No idea.

2011-12-07, 05:05
Why shouldn't these be added?:
Server killers.
Players dont like theme.
They are to big for rush mode テつ*:wink:

2011-12-07, 10:25
I waited so long for rush maps to be that big so attackers can properly flank and now they are server killers ? WTF ?...
If people want tunnel maps like Medal of Honor they should probably go play that game...

2011-12-07, 10:28
Why shouldn't these be added?:
Server killers.
Players dont like theme.
They are to big for rush mode ツ*:wink:

I wouldn't agree with any of those.

2011-12-07, 11:03
Caspian Border
No chance in hell to get anywhere with out a tank/heli, if you try your luck as infantry you prolly wont reach the next bomb, before it is blown, or you would be picked down by a tank/heli/jet/sniper before you get there

Tehran Highway
The attackers on this map tend to tink their tank is artiliry on the first stage, if somebody brave actually takes the bombs for them (usually they dont), they still act like artilliry and the rest switcht to sniper and try to snipe their way to heaven from top of the cliff

Kharg Island
Here you start off on a carrier, if you dont have skilled air people, you would never get ashore,

Noshahr Canals
Same story again, if your heli pilots suck, the aa gun stands on the beach and just mow you down, i think my personal record as defender is about 40-3 or something, just blasting down the noob helis and the few inf that made it ashore.

theese are my thoughts about the maps, i am not a great player, i think i am a medium minus players, soo kinda like the regular crowd, and that is who our servers get filled of mostly, the regular not soo devoted guys, that jump on to have some fun, they will leave if getting slaughtered, and then we are back to the regular crew have to patiently fill the server up again, instead of playing and haveing fun.

Well this was my 2 cents, troll all you want

2011-12-07, 12:10
We could give it a try map by map...

2011-12-07, 13:03
we could make a big maps rush server?

2011-12-07, 13:15
i think i may cry if i have to start more than 7 servers

2011-12-07, 13:17
who said you have to start every server?

2011-12-07, 13:22
With the balance changes and tweaks, we should at least give the maps a try.

If they really don't work, then we know that for sure. I can't really see any of them not working.
Some maps are easier to attack or defend and some are harder.

2011-12-07, 13:50
who said you have to start every server?

Maybe since he is one of the few that actually cares to do it ? and without incos effort, even from work to get all servers up, we would come home from work to empty servers

2011-12-07, 15:17
This are the maps that mostly kill the servers.

Caspian Border
Tehran Highway
Kharg Island

I have test all of theme in my server and u see that the players are going out of the servers when this maps are up.
So yes I think WE do KNOW what we are speaking out here.
Been there,done that,moving on テつ*:lol:

And yes there is only a small group that starts the servers so they REALY know what they are saying here テつ*:wink:

Mad respect to Champ/STIHES/iNco you all rock テつ*:D

2011-12-07, 15:28
You don't know how they work with the balance changes.
I'd suggest at least trying.

That's all I have to say on the subject, it won't go any further.

2011-12-07, 16:33
yes lets pad all the server starters on the back becouse you love to sit in empty servers?

i have no intrest to start server untill there is something like a white list

2011-12-07, 16:54
yes lets pad all the server starters on the back becouse you love to sit in empty servers?

i have no intrest to start server untill there is something like a white list

Well when u start the server u bring players from all over to our servers.
You make the servers popular.
Then sometimes that players joine us in this GREAT community.
They start as trail then sometimes goes on to full members.
We cant get new members on empty servers can we?. テつ*:roll:

2011-12-07, 17:34
i know how it works but do you really need that pad on the back when you start servers?
some people do it.. well very good tnx alot
some people dont.. who cares

back on the topic i think we should have the maps in the rotation more diversity more fun.
and if you do it like a small map and a larger map and rotate like that its probally ok.

but we never know untill we try :)

2011-12-07, 18:28
Mothug are you serious?

I said i may cry if i have to start more than 7 servers, where in that sentence does it imply that i need a pat on the back?

I certainly do not need to justify myself to the likes of you, furthermore I expect to be trolled on the battlelog forums by unknowns but not here by a member of the OG community.

Do you even play BF3? :roll:


Back to the point of the thread, i think we should introduce the larger maps on a trial basis. ツ*Server 2 is quite popular now and would sustain such larger maps. ツ*They should be tucked into the smaller maps and you can perhaps limit the rounds to 1 rather than 2.

2011-12-07, 18:33
LOL u mad???

i didnt said you needed a pad on the back did i?
and i do play bf3 yes.. how nice of you to know your clanmembers :)

than the part of the justify to the likes of me??? you must be retarded?? why do you think you can treat me that way?
ive been in OG longer than most of you and you just got here...
i wasnt trolling you so i dont really understand what your problem is so do yourself and me a favour and stick to the topic if you dont know what your talking about... k buddy :)

2011-12-07, 18:51
how nice of you to know your clanmembers :)

I'd rather not know you.

2011-12-07, 18:58
aaannnnddddd let's behave guys.

2011-12-07, 19:15
how nice of you to know your clanmembers :)

I'd rather not know you.

hahahahah people like you are funny first make an argument and than step back...

what was the word for that again? something that starts with a p...

2011-12-07, 19:27
Come on Hans.

The guys that start the servers give a lot of time, so when other members get home from work, can play on full servers. They do not need a special pad on the back, but they do know what maps might mess up the server.

2011-12-07, 19:30
aaannnnddddd let's behave guys.

2011-12-07, 19:34
as i recall i didnt start this i just came up with the idea of an extra server...

and than someone felt attacked. テつ*:roll: