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View Full Version : Battlefield 3 motivates animal abuse

2011-11-08, 18:46
Animal rights organization PETA criticizes Battlefield 3 to the fact that an animal in the game can be abused.


These players would incite violence against animals, as reported in a press release.

The third mission of the player and Battlefield 3 American soldier crawls through the hostile streets of Tehran, after a while a quick-time event that occurs players a hunting knife through the head of a rat attacking late stabbing.

This rat's tail is then held, after which players dead body "as waste" disposal, says Peta. "The realistic computer game Battlefield 3 treats animals in a sadistic manner," added the organization.

PETA claims that the murder of a digital animal can inspire young people or to influence the actions actually implement. It would be the impetus to form the organization, because violence against animals in games or movies lowers the threshold for showing this behavior in real life.

The animals group claims that more recent cases of animal abuse in Germany are the direct result of movies and games in which such violence can be seen.

{Bron: Nu.nl (http://www.nu.nl/games/2662509/battlefield-3-zet-dierenmishandeling.html)}

2011-11-08, 18:47
Some people are just completely insane.

2011-11-08, 21:07
They are absolutely right!!!

Ever since I started playing shooter games, I have been inspired to run around Antwerp's streets, shooting people left and right, causing a major massacre, didn't you see it in the news?

hmmm... must be cause it never happened!

I also didn't go around waving a battleaxe and cleaving people's skulls after a bout of Oblivion or Diablo..

If I was them, I'd concentrate on the REAL animal abuse out there and don't get anal about a video game, it only erodes support for them, and makes them less relevant. pity, I really do sympathise with their cause normally speaking, but stuff like this assures they'll never get any donations from me again..

2011-11-08, 23:19
PETA are just a bunch of idiots, the fact that you kill people in that game is totally okay as long as no animals are hurt in the process because it might make people go outside and start killing animals.... Such organisations shouldn't have the right of free speech...

2011-11-09, 01:20
Are they for real? lol

I actually never thought it would cause an uproar when I see this cutscene as I felt it was the right thing to do in that circumstance when that stupid rat didn't get the hint when the character tried shooing it away. ÂÂ*:)

2011-11-09, 02:17
ROFLMAO what a noobs ÂÂ*LOL