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View Full Version : Tier 3 live! (unlock tree)

2011-10-25, 09:45

That's right Soldiers, Tier 3 Training, along with all of the terrifyingly terrific weapons and abilities that accompany it, is now live and available for everyone to use! With plenty of new training options available and some shuffling around of old abilities, Tier 3 not only adds more diversity and excitement to Battlefield Play4Free, but it introduces a whole new level of gameplay balance to each of the classes, as well as the game as a whole!

Assault Soldiers, pick up some sticks of C4 and start introducing vehicles to a whole world of pain! Engineers, grab your XM-25 and launch smart grenades at those soldiers camping on the other side of the map! Medics, use your flairs to call in reinforcements to help hold your front line and get your fellow troops back into the action even more quickly than ever before! Recons, rain down death on those who dare oppose you by calling in Mortar Strikes on key positions!

All of the above, plus much much more is now at your disposal on the Battlefield.


http://cdn.battlefield.play4free.com/uploads/1/AssaultThumb.png Tier 3 Assault
Spearheading his force's attack, the Assault Soldier provides the cut and thrust needed to scythe through his opposition's front line, leaving a swath of bodies in his path as he charges forward to capture more ground for his team. All of this is done while he continually drops ammo crates behind him for the rest of his team's use.

With his assault rifle in one hand and smoke grenade, flair gun or stick of C4 in the other, he can make it to his destination with plenty of support from the reinforcements spawning on him, while still having enough explosive power to go out with a bang.



http://cdn.battlefield.play4free.com/uploads/1/EngineerThumb.png Tier 3 Engineer
Ever on the lookout for friendly vehicles to repair, as well as enemy vehicles to destroy, the Engineer is THE class for bringing a whole world of pain to any mechanical monster prowling the Battlefield. As the class name would suggest, the Engineer is all about vehicles of all shapes and sizes!

The Engineer utilizes his trusty repair tool to ensure his side's vehicles are in top shape and ready for anything. While doing this he constantly keeps on eye out for tracer dart indicators, and indeed places them himself if need be, so that he can bring his trusty RPG to bear and launch a devastating assault upon the opposition's vehicular attack capabilities. If that wasn't already enough boom for your buck, the Engineer has anti-vehicle mines to lay some lovely little traps for opposition ground vehicles, as well as his XM-25 to launch grenades at any infantry units encamped at medium to long range.



http://cdn.battlefield.play4free.com/uploads/1/MEdicTHumb.png Tier 3 Medic
Concerned about everyone's well-being bar his own, the Medic's goal is clear. Establish a front line from which your allied Assault Soldiers can launch their offensive strikes, and to which they can fall back for medicine should they take a beating. All the while the Medic should be slowly pushing up, clearing out any enemy troops left in the wake of the Assault Soldier's attack.

Hefting his fearsome LMG, the Medic marches into battle with half an infirmary's worth of medical supplies in tow. The Medic has his trusty medicine boxes to help keep his boys fighting fit. Should the situation become a tad more serious, with his fellow troops being down for the count, he can call upon his defibrillator skills to revive downed allies. Should he fear that the front line will soon be overrun, he can use his flares to signal for reinforcements to move directly to the front lines, enabling his team to hold onto the position and launch new offensives when ready!



http://cdn.battlefield.play4free.com/uploads/1/ReconThumb.png Tier 3 Recon
With two distinct play styles the Recon Soldier can choose to act as a forward reconnaissance scout, marking out opposition forces for his team to take out, while harrying their positions himself using his trusty rifle, shotgun, pistol or a combination of all thread. Should he feel like engaging from a safer distance, the Recon Soldier can choose to engage from long range, taking advantage of his rifles excellent accuracy and damage over long range. When operating in this manner, the Recon Soldier has been considered the unseen harbinger of death for poor unsuspecting opposition forces.

With Claymores, surveillance kit, and the ability to call in Mortar Strikes in hand, the Recon Soldier is ideally equipped to harry enemy flanks, keep his team fully abreast of opposition positioning, and take out key opposition targets while denying them territory.



Level Cap Increase!
With more and more soldiers reaching level 20, it's about time to increase the top attainable level in this game. Tier 3 has provided us with the perfect opportunity to do just that, and to that end, the top attainable level in BattleField Play4Free is now level 25! Anyone aiming to reach that level (and we hope you all are) will have their work cut out for them as reaching that level is no mean feat. We wish each and every one of you the best of luck in your attempts though! Good luck Soldiers!

New Boosters!
The introduction of Tier 3 sees the launch of a number of new boosters (details for which can be seen here (http://battlefield.play4free.com/en/forum/showthread.php?tid=54319)), the goal of which is to bring even more of a bang to Battlefield Play4Free as they either increase the effectiveness of explosive weapons, or improve the survival rates of armour, allowing them to lay down even more firepower with their lifetime. Make sure to check them out for more boom!

2011-10-25, 10:41
Bastards!!!! How to play BF3 and BFP4F Tier 3 in same time?

2011-10-25, 10:44
My thoughts exactly lol. I may play this more than BF3 coz I have a weak GFX card.

2011-10-25, 15:34
hell yeah <3

2011-10-25, 16:00
Good idea to not lose too many players to BF3

2011-10-25, 19:07
All your trainings are reset to 0! Do not forget to set all trainings before going into battle!

2011-10-26, 17:26
Im a tank engineer and once feared.. Now that they've got C4 and using that with vehicles, I fear to lose my tank in battle! ÂÂ*:roll:

2011-10-26, 20:14
Nah see one sticking that shit get out shoot him with shotgun get back in! ;p

2011-10-27, 06:36
Went in , trow couple mortar strikes, went out. Nice to see something new in P4F went to play BF3

2011-10-27, 12:21
Went in , trow couple mortar strikes, went out. Nice to see something new in P4F went to play BF3

Fuck you gisse! Fuck you!!! ;P

2011-10-27, 13:30
Sthanley ban him :p

2012-02-07, 17:15
As the Noobi Oldie, I definitly need to have a go at that training asap. It wont do me any harm. Hope to see one or two of you on there and BC2 as well.

All the best.
