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View Full Version : More fact's about the multiplayer!

2011-10-19, 10:10
New fact's about the multi player

•When shooting, you will appear as a blip for a very short time, but you will not be "spotted".

•Spawn beacon gives points and there’s rocket pods for jets.

•Mav is a mobile motion tracker. Points to you for anyone that dies in its radius… And bonus points for kills near objectives, more points if there’s a squad order on it and points to the leader as well.

•Laser painting means no need for line of sight. The person who painted gets each point of damage as point too.

•I’ll leave the styles a secret, but as with every “all-kit” unlock, it’s through rankup.

•Though a javelin cannot lock on an air target by itself, can lock on painted stuff. And soflam can paint air targets.

•Each weapon has its own unlock order of accessories. So that for instance bolt snipers get bipod sooner and semi get foregrip.

•The radius on conquest flags is the same as the cap radius. On m-com’s it’s a tweaked version of that.

•There is bonus points for eliminating a squad, and ribbons as well.

•There is a fully featured server browser on console, as well as quickmatch-options for matchmade games.

•No one can spawn in the area that is no longer in their combat zone. Spawn beacons get disabled, and squad spawn turned off.

•There's a lot of unlockable camos in game too. 12 sets in fact.

2011-10-19, 18:25
"No one can spawn in the area that is no longer in their combat zone"

Does it mean it's like in Project Reality ? (does anyone even know this BF2 mod?)
Because in PR if enemies overrun your position, like 5 guys next to a squad leader or beacon you can't spawn anymore... That would be awesome if it's in BF3 :D