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View Full Version : SMS for oldguys? And Server tab?

2011-09-14, 09:55

Uhm I got 2 ideas ...
Well ideas, more a collection of suggestion and complaint! ;D


In bfp4f section, it has been somewhile a discussion, but it would be cool to get informed by SMS for those that want when a war is up! So people get informed faster and stuff. For ÂÂ*those who doesn't watch the forms on a regular base. Witch is off course still a must. Its no obligable for all members, just for those who want it!

The questions that will raise, how will it get paid? Cause how you turn it, sms will cost some cent.

But off course the reason why putting this here, is not to limit the discussion within the bfp4f section.
But open it up to all the Oldguys sections! ;)


We should have like a page like 'home roster wars forums challenge us join us'But for servers, cause I'm getting loads of people asking where I can find the servers from us.
So a seperated page would be handy! For newbies! ;D

This offcourse doesn't need more then an image and a bookmark url.
And a refer link to the forum category complaind section!
(or other usefull information! Like getting VIP or a link to statistic page, application page to join us.)

It's good for the PR for OG! ;D

So that are 2 suggestions, that can be discussed openly now!
So please comment! ;D

2011-09-14, 12:03
I want to comment to your 1st idea that at least Â*BC 2 group and I think also that coming BF 3 group won't need sms services for wars. I still think that people should look war modules or masspm:s or forums when they are part of Community or clan. Â*:)

2nd one, our servers are also to be seen in main page so why need to put more places to look?

2011-09-14, 14:52
As much as I like your ideas. I don't think they are useful.
The idea to have people be notified by SMS will make them look to the site even less.
The site should be the idea for people to come to, to see the latest news. The latest threads. Meaning a homebase.
I think that a SMS service will not only bring more (volunteery) costs but also less interest in the site because people will have their information on their mobile.

I like your idea for a newbie webpage to have all the information needed so that people can see our information.
Our servers wear banners. These banners should have all the information required that you just posted.
That will make a big of a difference. Just see it like this.
When people join the server they will have to load the map. The loading takes so much time, that they can view the banner at ease and write down all information required.

PS: I think that our membercount is to low to consider such a service such as SMS. Our active membercount is less then 25 if I believe. Such a service would cost more then you would profit from the users. Just think only 1 out of 5 would use such a service. That'd mean only 5 users would find interest in this.

2011-09-14, 15:53
PS: I think that our membercount is to low to consider such a service such as SMS. Our active membercount is less then 25 if I believe. Such a service would cost more then you would profit from the users. Just think only 1 out of 5 would use such a service. That'd mean only 5 users would find interest in this.

If you only take P4F in the consideration, it's about 25. But don't forget BFH and BC2 :)

2011-09-14, 18:29
Its all about the intrest of a member
This site has two places where you can find server info
Also we have a good war module what come with a lot of info about the wars and who is playing.
And we have a pm system Jaska know alot about that :D

And today there is also whatsapp its free for everyone. 8O

2011-09-15, 06:45
Yeah, if you put email notification on to your email system, and you have email box on your phone, then it will get the same result as sms.
Masspm is a good way to inform wars. :)

2011-09-15, 07:31
1) I think when you wanna notify people by SMS, you gotta have a higher the member-fee... Maybe you should do it thru Whatsapp (if these guys have a smartphone ofcourse). Same principal and completely for free. Or Skype.

2) There is already a bookmark thingy on the homepage, right?

2011-09-15, 16:16
1) I think when you wanna notify people by SMS, you gotta have a higher the member-fee... Maybe you should do it thru Whatsapp (if these guys have a smartphone ofcourse). Same principal and completely for free. Or Skype.

Or people just read the forums. Reading the titles should be enough..

2011-09-18, 20:01
Hear I come again with some answering on reply's! ;D

The sms thing isn't really needed ... but does give like a certain bonus.
Its just an idea ... So ...


About the bookmarks, we REALLY should have a page SERVERS.
We have the bookmarks and shit down on our homepage...

And not even all ... Battlefield play4free... mine craft server ?

PLUS people are always asking where the server bookmarks are ... and stuff ...
I know its just saying 'Scroll down' and there you have it.

But having the page SERVERS! They will find all our OG servers nicely down to each other!
And then I will not have to say Scroll down. Cause they already clicked on our server page!


2011-09-18, 21:22
Do you mean like this?: Server info (http://www.oldguys.eu/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=11)

2011-09-18, 22:45
Yeh like that page, servers!
(That is in the left list)

But little bit nice display ... centre ... color ... stuff! ;D
And link
- to statistic pages (If we have one)
- ban/complained section on our forums
- Also for like for instant BFH you can get VIP status like a image VIP that when clicked on redirect you to that topic with information!

If you want I can illustrate it a bit more ... by editing that page in the view that I see it ...
(Little bit coding and should be fine, to illustrate what I more likely mean.
(Than you still can say no! But that way you might see what I mean more clearer!)

I know it was there but it should be like a big button not just in the left section.
Cause servers is important for a game clan! So should be very well insight of visitors!
And just a little update to make it look a bit more nicely.

+ some updates, since bfp4f servers aren't running on that rotation any more ...


@offtopic question: any idea when the normal TS will be back up?

2011-09-18, 22:52
NP pm me your ip and you will get acces to the content. :D