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View Full Version : more stuff has been confirmed!!

2011-08-20, 18:51
on gamescom dice confirmed the following stuff:

* Punkbustersupport including PB Screenshots
*Close cooperation with Even Balance
*Squad Menu in the GamesCom version is not final yet
*Team Deathmatch is coming for all 9 announced maps
*Max. 12 vs 12 in TDM
*Same classes and customization in TDM as in the other modes
*Functional ingamemenu with scoreboard, squadmenu, suicide, options etc.
*24 player maps for console are scaled
*No dynamically alligned map size based on the numbers of players
*No public server files, reason is DICE' anticheat strategy
*Ingame messages to buddies in the friend list
*No new info about the batterecorder question yet
*Remaining tickets will be shown after end of round in the final game
*Autobalance similiar to the one in BC2
*No new info about pre-order yet (beta)
*There is no final decision about origin and the number of soldiers yet
*Splitscreen on console is not possible due to the hardware limits on console

2011-08-21, 00:24
Console is just fail.

2011-08-21, 12:00
Big fail

2011-08-21, 13:44
Here is the actual Q&A session @ Gamescom anwsers:

•no splitscreen coop at launch
•they are working toward commo rose on consoles, probably not available at launch
•unlimited sprint like in bc2, you can also strafe
•9 MP maps confirmed “for now” (Operation Metro, Caspian Border)
•dog tag customization available after you reach a certain level
•limited number of rockets on planes, need to resupply at runway
•hardcore mode and infantry only mode available
•kill cam in normal gamemode
•jets are a spawn point in Conquest
•jets can fly really high in BF3, but you’ll lose controls the higher you go (1000m, like in BF2)
•deployable 60mm Mortars
•conquest flags will have a name and a letter
•multiplayer fact sheet only confirms everything shown to this date, AND IS NOT FINAL
•no LAN for BF3 at release, probably never (ANTI-CHEAT Measure)
•A-10 is available in Multiplayer
•AH-6J Littlebird is available in Multiplayer
•no automatic hovering for the helicopters, feels more like BF2
•stationary Carrier on Wake Island
•Working at DICE makes it hard to have a Girlfriend

2011-08-21, 14:26
Interesting info especially that last point was interesting :D

2011-08-21, 16:25
I want to see footage of the Cobra attack chopper, seen the the other one.

2011-08-22, 06:51
I really can't wait for that littlebird miniguns. I hope they will be mainly in city maps and without tanks!