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View Full Version : Battlefield 3 Confirmed Commo Rose is in

2011-08-19, 10:12

I posted this in the trial board but realised it's probably better placed here so please read.

I have just been browsing and saw a site and a tweet that confirmed, Battlefield 3 will have a Commo Rose. I know a lot of people that love that feature on BF2 but it was scrapped afterwards. I personally hated the option and was glad the BFBC2 didn't include it, for the following reasons:
- It's distracting and imo unnecassary when you can just easily spot instead by pressing q once

- I HATED the idiots that spotted continuesly, so that as a result you hear constantly 'ENEMY SPOTTED!' repeatedly without finishing the sentence.

It makes it feel like your less in the game. If they wanted people to communicate together better just get on Team speak or on ingame voice. I'm gutted! why take a step back!?

I would like to know your opinion on this. Why do you like it or hate it?


2011-08-19, 10:17
I deleted your posting on BC 2. Anyway I liked the feature in BF 2 and Im happy it will be on BF 3 ;)

2011-08-19, 10:32
I share your disgust about that command spam, but it's not that bad at all. Personally I like both options and I don't mind which one will be implemented but keep pressing Q sometimes hurts me :D (especialy when it doesn't work properly)