View Full Version : How to setup a Minecraft server

2011-06-12, 00:00
Hey Guys,

It's seems like lot's of people still don't know how to setup a Minecraft (as Vergaytti would say) server. If you read the guide below it will help you out on setting up a Minecraft server. If you have any questions leave a reply below this post.

Step 1|Setup Java (version 1.6) on your System

First of all you need to check which version of Java you are running on. To find this out open Command Prompt and type

java –version

If the result tells you the version of Java is 1.6, you are good to go, skip to step 2.

Otherwise you must download and install Java and check its version from command prompt again.

Grab JAVA from the link below:


Step 2| Download Minecraft Server Files

Now you need to to download the server file “Minecraft_server.jar” from here:


You will be given a compressed file, which you must extract in a folder named“Minecraft Server”.

Step 3| How to Set Up Minecraft Server

Open the bat file named “Start server.bat” (Run as Administrator in Win7/Vista).
The server will start, generating some new files, in order to configure your server you must edit these files. You will have to shutdown the server first.

Step 4| How to Configure Minecraft Server

Configure your server by opening “server.properties” in notepad.
Change settings as you wish, if you want a private server change Public to False. Other changes depend on you, mine were:

#Minecraft server properties
#Sun Jun 05 23:11:01 CEST 2011

You can add usernames of the admins who will have ‘op’ (operator) in “admin.txt”.

An admin with op rights can use these commands:

/op <name>. Makes the player with name <name> an OP. They have to be logged in.
/deop <name> . De-ops a player.
/kick <name>. Kicks a player
/ban <name>. Bans and kicks a player
/unban <name>. Pardons a banned player
/banip <name> . Bans a player by IP. Cannot be undone in game, you must manually change “banned-ip.txt”.
/say <message>. Broadcasts <message> across the entire server.
/setspawn. Sets the current location as the default spawn location for new players
/tp <name>. Teleports to a player.
/tp<target><user>. teleports to <user>
/solid . Switches between placing normal and placing unbreakable stone
/pardon <name>. Removes the ban on the player with the typed name, allowing them to reenter the server.

Minecraft Port Forwarding

If you are behind a router, you must forward this port TCP/UDP 25565.
For more info on port forwarding visit portforward (http://portforward.com)

Step 5| How to Connect to a Minecraft Server

To join your own server select “multiplayer” option in game client and type local IP address (like and give port number 25565.

For other people connecting via internet, they must open this URL in their browsers


Note. YOUR IP here means your external IP address; you can check it from whatismyip, and server port is 25565 (default).
If you still are having problems leave a message below and we will try too help setting up a server.
